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I was incredibly disappointed when I played through the main quest and got this shout. From the name I expected the dragon to come crashing out the sky, screaming and bleeding as it falls to the ground, crippled and weakened after being struck with a shout created to destroy dragons. Instead all that happens is you kindly ask the dragon to come down, and it flies for a moment before finding a nice comfy place to land so you can beat on it for a while in melee combat until you can shout again to keep it grounded.

What I would like is if someone could make Dragonrend cause dragons to crash to the ground instead of flying around until they find somewhere to land.

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thats' a neat idea actually. I know that there is already a way to make dragons crash, i've done it a couple of times. They land on their belly rather unceremoniously, and skid along the ground for a good 30 metres, leaving a big dbz-ish area of torn ground behind them. it is actually rather awesome.


It can be triggered by dealing a large enough amount of damage to a dragon while it's in midair. I think, enough to take its health well below the point where it loses the ability to fly and lands for the rest of the fight.


Unfortunately it's very patchy. I've seen it on exactly two occasions, and i can't reproduce it reliably. The game only seems to let it happen when there's a big enough patch of flat land for it to do so, which seems pretty stupid imo.


I'll poke around the dragon scripts and see if i can figure anything out. no promises though ;) i don't commit to anything.

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what i've found so far is an object, DragonMarkerCrashStrip which from the looks of it is what the dragons need nearby to crash land on. There's a total of about 50 of them, places all around skyrim.


The only reference to them that i can find so far though, is a set of scripts and assets for an E3 demo, presumably where they showed a dragon crashing.

In actual production scripts, the only similar thing i've found is some commented-out code about animation states, that seemed to be concerned with making a falling dragon bleed, and was abandoned.


it's not really fruitful so far

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what i've found so far is an object, DragonMarkerCrashStrip which from the looks of it is what the dragons need nearby to crash land on. There's a total of about 50 of them, places all around skyrim.


The only reference to them that i can find so far though, is a set of scripts and assets for an E3 demo, presumably where they showed a dragon crashing.

In actual production scripts, the only similar thing i've found is some commented-out code about animation states, that seemed to be concerned with making a falling dragon bleed, and was abandoned.


it's not really fruitful so far


Alright, thanks for looking.

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