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Power Armor Frame (container) Menu location?


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I'd like to make a mod that enables the player to add 'broken' power armor parts to the frame without the "broken items cannot be equipped until they are repaired" issue.


I am unable to find the menu/script where this occurs so I can modify it.


I am using a mod to get the frames off dead bad-guys, but since I've blown off his armor add-ons I must either carry them with me or leave them behind. It's a little frustrating since I'm nearly always near my carry limit in hardcore survival mode.



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I did some work trying to mod PA frames a while back. There's simply not a lot you can do with them. Much of the PA system is hard coded, and not very open to modding. I suspect that this is one of those hard coded issues. I don't believe you are going to find the solution you want, but I wish you good luck in trying.
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Do you need them to stay broken? If not, would probably be easier to repair the part by script (either when you pick it up or open the frame menu).


OnMenuOpenCloseEvent: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnMenuOpenCloseEvent_-_ScriptObject


ClearDestruction: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=ClearDestruction_-_ObjectReference


Repair: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Repair_-_ObjectReference


If you want to keep immersion of being broken, maybe there is a way to change item weight? The only SetWeight I found requires F4SE and doesn't work on spawned objects.


Edit: The Mobile Mechanic mod has a power armor station, but it weighs 15 lbs. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18262/

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