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Get an NPC tu TRUELLY talk to me (not just say things!)


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(Sorry for the wrong-written title; where it says tu should say to!)


See, I'm working on several quests I want to compile in a single mod; yet I'm having constant silly problems, most of wich I can solve by myself... But not this one. (It's so silly!)


I've been working on a script wich made for an event to begin whenever the Player had reached the level 10, hadn't started a determinate quest, all in a specific cell of the Imperial City. This event would trigger that quest, by making an NPC appear on the Imperial City, come running towards the player, talking to him, giving him a determinated object, and running away.


The thing is, I managed to get him to run towards the player, to say the things, to deliver the object etc., and within all this things I managed the quest to start. But when I make him talk to the player I use the SayTo function, wich makes him simply say a topic in the air. I want a true dialogue!!, meaning I want his face centered on the screen and the whole dialogue dynamic. Wich function does that?


I'll pass to you my script, so can look at it just in case you need to. (In the image, the first lines of the script, wich are the declarations of the script name (irrelevant for the case) and two short variables: ControlVar and ControlVarB, are missing. It was either declaring this here or upload another image with the three missed lines; I deemed it unnecessary.)


EDIT: Corrected some spelling problems (sorry guys, where I am from is already very late in the night and I'm tired :sad: )

Edited by PkSanTi
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