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Kill command?


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so i'm curious about something here. when you open the console, click an actor and type kill, they generally drop dead. unless they're essential where it just acts like massive damage.


But strangely when used on dragons, it does nothing. not even when they're landed.


does anyone know why this is? is there some other way to kill them via script? perhaps killessential, killsilent ?


As can be clearly seen when you actually do dispatch one, they have full ragdoll support and will happily slide down cliffs. So i'm thinking it'd be fun to kill a dragon stone dead in midair and watch it's ragdoll drop. maybe i'd like to make a shout or spell along those lines :3

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Im confused a little. Your making it sound like console commands and papyrus are the same. No you cant kill a dragon with the kill console commands but you can write a script to kill a dragon using papyrus.




Console Commands


Found this for the first time. You might be able to write a quick papyrus kill actor script, put it in your scripts folder, and attach it to a dragon via console.


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Im confused a little. Your making it sound like console commands and papyrus are the same.


My bad, yes i'm kind of assuming that they were. My thinking is that the console is a method of executing papyrus code one line at a time.thank you for correction.


Found this for the first time. You might be able to write a quick papyrus kill actor script, put it in your scripts folder, and attach it to a dragon via console.

Thank you! shouldnt be necessary though. If i'm coding i may as well work on what i originally set out to do, enhancing dragonrend. Do you think the papyrus Kill function will do the job here? (i know the console one doesn't but you say they're different)

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Ok, an update!


I've gotten it working somewhat, but not really as expected. I've added a new script effect to the first word of marked for death as a temporary test. My script is simply this:


Scriptname KillingWord extends ActiveMagicEffect    

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)


This works on normal npcs, but unreliably. It seems that about a third of the time, it will not instantly kill the npc (but it DOES apply the normal marked for death effect, so it is hitting them). Such targets will usually drop dead 5-10 seconds later.


I'm vtesting it on a dragon and it isn't really working at all. While flying the dragon is more or less unaffected. Same when it perches. but when it landed on the ground (as in, flat ground) it died instantly. I guess that would be it standing on a navmesh.


Surely there must be some way to kill it in midair though ?

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I've also just done a test using massive damage instead of a kill command (99999 damage per second).


I used it on a perched dragon, and it immediately took off, flew around in a circle at a ridiculously unnatural speed (moving about 3x the speed a dragon should be flying, looked buggy) then did the crash land animation on the ground beside me, and died after it finished that.


Testing threee more times with the megadamage, it seems i can reliably reproduce the crashland animation, which is great as that's something seperate i was trying to do ^_^


It seems like dragons have a ton of stuff setup to intercept when they die. I'm going to try killsilent.

Edited by NanakoMagojiro
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Does this do anything for ya? What I did was ask if the target is a dragon and if so ask it to land and die. I havent tested it at all. I attached it to VoiceDragonrendEffect in my case.


Scriptname KillDragonScript extends activemagiceffect  

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)
   if (Target.HasKeyWord(ActorTypeDragon))
      Target.Kill(Caster) ; not sure if this needs an argument? try target.Kill() too..

Keyword Property ActorTypeDragon  Auto  

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