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[Creation kit / Nifskope] - Need help with custom snap points for workshop items


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I have 2 different creatable objects for the settlement workshops. One is a piece of furniture, and the other is a door that should be snapped to the piece of furniture.

How I want it to work:
- Player places down the furniture, which should not be able to snap to anything.
- Player then places the door, which should only be able to snap to the piece of furniture placed in the previous step, and nothing else.

I've gotten the snap points to work, however they're snapping to more things than I want them to snap to.

(here's an image of the setup in Nifskope: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9vzba4tlt5dpx0d/BSConnectPoints.png?dl=0)


What I've tried so far:

1. I tried naming the snap point for the door P-Door-Dif and the point of the furniture to P-Door-Dif2.

Result: The door snaps to the furniture, but the door also snaps to vanilla door frames, and other doors snap to the furniture, which shouldn't happen.

2. I tried giving the snap point a custom made up name, and used the same name for both the furniture and door.

Result: The door snaps to the furniture, and nothing else. However, if you place a 2nd piece of the furniture, it will snap to the already placed piece, which it shouldn't.



Any ideas how I can make this work?

Edited by Mornedil
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Thank you, you're a lifesaver!


Is there any wiki page with this kind of information, by the way?

It was pretty hard to come by an answer while googling, so I'm just wondering if there's any page with similar useful stuff :)

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