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Bound Armor other than Daedric


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Open the scripting window and select Script Type: 'magic effect' from

the drop down list near the top of the window.


scn BoundArenaRaimentHeavy

Begin scripteffectstart

	player.additem ArenaRaimentHeavy 1
	player.equipitem ArenaRaimentHeavy 1 ; (if you don't put the '1' the item will be unequipable by the player while effect is active and visa versa)


Begin scripteffectfinish

player.unequipitem ArenaRaimentHeavy 1
player.removeitem ArenaRaimentHeavy 1



(Obviously just change where it says 'ArenaRaimentHeavy' to the object ID of the Armor you actually want and just add in more

lines of 'player.additem' etc. if you want to add more items to the spell)


Save the script and go to "spells" in the object window.


Create a new spell.


Tick the 'Script Effect Always Applies' box


Add new effect:


---Effect: Script Effect

---Range: Self

---Duration: (in seconds)

Script Effect info:

---Script: Select the script you just created

---Effect name: (name)

---School: (probably cunjuration, but its up to you)

---Visual Effect: (probably bound cuirass, but again its up to you)

---Un-tick 'Effect is Hostile' box (not sure if it makes a huge difference as you casting it on yourself anyway).


Save Effect.


Un-tick the 'Auto-Calculate' box at the bottom of the spell window and then select the level and cost of the spell.


Save your spell.


How you want to give yourself the spell in the game is up to you but this will create it.

If you want to change the scripting at all this link should help. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index...egory:Functions


I hope this helps. :)

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Thanks. I created the armor, created a spell to cast that armor. I think it's all created right, but how do I add that spell in game?

I know I could just use player.addspell, but I don't know the # ID it created.


Sorry if this is a noob question. :)

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Well you can find the ID# by expanding one the columns next to editor ID in the object-spell window its shrunk to a really thin width so you can barely notice it (took me ages to realise :wallbash: ) But this probably isn't ideal but is useful for testing the spell. I wouldn't know how to give the spell to a vendor to sell to me off the top of my head I'm afraid.


My preferred method would be to add a script to an activator placed in the game that would add the spell.


scn Customspelladding

short spelladded

begin onactivate

    if spelladded == 0
      player.addspell (editor ID)
      set spelladded to 1



Or have an item which when the player has in the inventory the spell is available, but when removed the spell is also removed.


Scn Customspelladding

short Gotitem

Begin OnAdd Player

       if Gotitem == 0
player.addspell (editor ID)
set Gotitem to 1


Begin OnDrop Player

      if Gotitem == 1
player.removespell (editor ID)
set Gotitem to 0



Add the script to an item and then place the item in the game.


I know that you can also have a spell added as soon as you load game but I'm not too sure how to do this as I have never created a script myself to do this. Sorry, :blush: I'm sure there is plenty of information on CS Wiki about it though as well as information about having a vendor sell you the spell. Failing that someone here will know I'm sure. :wink:

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