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OnAnimEvent Script works on WeaponSwing, not BlockStart


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As the title says. I have a fully functional script in my unarmed weapon that works OnAnimationEvent (PlayerRef, "weaponSwing"), but if I try the same thing (even a simple debug notification) for OnAnimationEvent (PlayerRef, "blockStart") I get nothing. I have a debug on the register event which fires, so I'm fairly confident the registration is happening. I'd like my event to fire on the blocking animation, regardless of if contact with an enemy occurs.

Does anyone know why I wouldn't be able to trigger on blockStart? That is the AnimEvent that occurs when you click RMB with an unarmed weapon, yes? That's what I gathered from the Animation Behaviors window.


Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

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Many animevents just dont fire when you register for them, so dont be surprised. Most likely thats one of them.

Thank you for the reply. Although I'd really LIKE to fire even without contact, I was able to just compromise with OnHit, if abHitBlocked == 1. Can't win them all I suppose.

If anyone has a suggested alternative closer to what I was aiming for, I'm open to suggestions.


EDIT: Strangely enough "blockStop" works, but although the fired action having that slight half second delay is disconcerting, the real issue with blockStop is that for some reason the action will fire on 1st-person attack as well (but not 3rd person attack...)

Edited by mmdestiny
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