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Custom terrain and water glitches


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I'm having an issue with a new terrain I created with the New Vegas GECK relating to the water. If I view my terrain in the editor, the water plane seems to be rendered after the actual terrain and overlaps the terrain. This is a problem, because I can't view my terrain from anything close to a top down angle, making editing difficult if not almost impossible.




This graphical glitch is only a problem within the GECK. However, in game the water looks really bad and has random holes in it. I tried a few different water types, including the "default" water (in the world spaces preferences), but all of them basically have the same problem.




If anyone knows anything about these two problems, the help would be appreciated :) .


Note that this isn't a problem with the vanilla terrains in the GECK last time I checked and I'm still doing height map editing for my custom terrain, so I haven't done any LOD / optimization yet.

Edited by BuddyGJos
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