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Outfit/Mace request.


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Hi! I was wondering if any kind soul would make a really simple mod for me; put the silver sword/dagger enchantment onto a steel mace. I would really appreciate it.


Now, if someone is really ambitious and willing to make an armor set I would be thrilled. I am trying to make a demon hunter/puritan hero type character. I do not like the weird anime style but I do enjoy Van helsing, solomon kane, john constantine styles. I have attached 3 images of Solomon Kane's armor from the movie (not comic books) and would be extremely thankfull if someone put it together.









Edited by Rebel34
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What do you mean by enchantment? The script to do more damage to ghosts?


You can do it yourself with the Construction Set, actually.


1. Grab some mod with a mace you like. E.g., my maces mod. Or not, if you just want to modify an existing game weapon.


2. Start the construction set, open the "File" menu, hit "Data". If you're modifying a mod, find it in the list, select it hit "Set As Active File" and OK. If you're modifying an existing game weapon, just double-click the Skyrim.esm and hit OK.


3. Now open the "Items" branch of the tree in the left hand window in the CS, then Weapons, and then basically click on whatever category your weapon is in. If you're modifying an existing Steel weapon, it will be under Steel. If you're modifying my maces, click on MoraelinsMaces.


4. Now you'll have a list of weapons from that category, right near that tree. Double-click the one you want to modify. E.g., "MoraelinsMace5" or "SteelMace" or whatever you're going after.


5. A window with the weapon parameters should have popped up. (If not, try double-clicking again.) Look at the bottom-right corner of that window. There's a list with all the scripts attached to that weapon. It might be empty at the moment. Hit the "Add" button. Another pop-up with a list of scripts should pop up. Type "Silver" in that filter input box, and the list should become a lot smaller. Click on the SilverSwordScript line and then OK. Hit OK.


6. Go to the "File" menu, hit "Save". If modifying an existing mod, it will just save it under the same name. If you were modifying an existing game weapon, you are making a new mod, and you'll be asked to give it a name. Just type a name (e.g., "Rebel34sSilverMaces") and save.


Congrats, now you have overwritten a mace with a silver version of it.


It probably sounds intimidating if you haven't done it before, but it's actually easier than it sounds. It's no worse than the forms you had to fill to register on this board, really. And once you've learned to do that, the world (of Tamriel) is your oyster. You can tailor any modded or existing weapons to be exactly as strong, weak, fast, slow, enchanted, etc, as you want them to be. And you can just do it, not wait for someone to be bothered doing that for you. Truly a power of the Gods themselves :P


Edit: I don't think you'll have any problems there, but if something is unclear or something, just send me a private message.

Edited by Moraelin
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