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[Request] Has anyone made a player owned hold(city)?


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I was thinking it would be really cool to see a mod that allowed the player to get some land and have a small community gradually spring up around it, growing that community as well as the player home.


So instead of going to Whiterun and dumping 5k on a house and another 1k+ on upgrades for it, what if you cleared out a section of space being held by bandits or some other nasty inhabitants, spent that money fixing it up and as your reputation grows, or you meet people along your travels, they would migrate over and set up homes and shops and stalls of their own, perhaps someone like Ysolda who dreams of being a merchant might come and set up a shop in your new town, (that is just an example, I know grabbing her would be a hassle as she has a lot of AI revolving around Whiterun.)


So the mod goes something like this:


-Quest to investigate the nasty evil bad guys in -original exterior and interior maps-

-Claiming it as your own and investing some gold into some lumber mill and workers somewhere nearby -upgraded exterior map-

-Expanding your home -upgraded interior map- / continuing to adventure meeting new NPCs that the mod adds into the game to function as potential residents of your city -further expanding the exterior map-

Ultimately you start with some beaten down wreck and get to watch your city form slowly to the point where you are like a Jarl yourself.


I'd be more than Willing to contribute to the creation of said mod but I would need help from someone knowledgeable.


As always, thanks for reading.

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