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The General Rateings For General Mods (Rays Version)


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Hey yall its good to be back after all these years! if ya dont know me im ray12342 im a modder of such games as (Oblivion,WC3,NW2,Morrowind) and i made this topic to talk about the general raytings for general mods of cetain categorys for oblivion atleast these are the raytings i usually give depending on the overall of the mods.


For General Mods.... [Raytings]

Custom Weapons/Armor (Just Retextures or Re Model Work) - 0-4


Custom Houses/Structures - 2-6


Custom Dungeons (Full Of Killable Things And Treasure) -(Non Custom Creatures) 3-7 (Custom Creatures) 5-10


Farming Mods 6-1000 [Rare Mods]


Added Npcs (To Roads,Citys,Towns) 3-9


Player Ownable Towns/Castles [sUPER RARE MODS] -Indubitily A 8 To A 10 Due To All The Work Usually



And thats it for my Raytings.


It seems everywon follows mostly by these But a majority of them all eithere do a 0 or a 10 and another majority as i like to call [Free Loaders] Dont even rayt let alone put a comment.


But for the majority that do rateings and comments these are the pretty fair raytings overall.


Well this is the conclusion of my post its awsome to be back in action.


P.S- No idea why i even posted this everywon already knows.... :wallbash:




P.P.S- Spider Pig Spider Pig Does Whatever A Spider Pig Does! Can he Swing From A Web? No He Cant Hes A Pig LOOK OUUUUUT HERE COMES THE SPIDER PIG!!!!! [Lol @ Spider Pig]


END! :thanks:

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Couldn't disagree more.


0-4 for retextured or remeshed equipment!? Do you realize how much time and actual skill with a graphics program it takes to do those. Ok, if it's a simple recolor (going from green to blue glass) a lower rating of 4 or 5 might make sense as long as the mod works. But if the armor has entirely new textures, and contains components which are either made from scratch, or which normally don't fit together, time has been spent on the mod, and should be appreciated. Many of these mods are uploaded as resources, which means that they aren't designed to have additional things like quests, npcs, areas added on. Going from your method, many of the skilled people who do this sort of mod may decide to just stop providing their items. As is the community has lost Slof because of people like you, who do not understand the amount of effort such mods require.


Farming Mods 6-10 !? How many of these do we really need? Despite the amount of effort involved, there isn't a need to boost their ratings just because there are only a few of them. A mod type like this shouldn't be common, there isn't a whole heck of alot of room for differences between mods. Can't help but think this recommendation is biased.


Your other rating suggestions are equally questionable. You seem to put more weight on just placing and arranging statics, and less on the more complicated things like quests, scripting, retextured statics, custom worldspaces, UI, race mods, companions, environment mods, spell mods. Actually, you don't even mention any of those things. Either you have a very small idea of what modding is, or don't recognize the amount of effort which may be going into those mods. If it wasn't for you being essentially unknown around here, and merely claiming that you've modded those games, your limited view, and biased weighting are more than enough reason to dismiss anything you said. The Simpsons quote at the end didn't help.


There is already a good thread about this topic, one which doesn't have the many problems that your system has (what defines a 3 verses a 9 in the category). http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=61433 It clearly explains things in a way that it doesn't arrange things by the type of mod it is, but rather how well the mod works, which is essentially possible by all who spend the time. The only thing your ratings system would accomplish is by directing people toward specific mod types in hopes of having a better rating, rather than people being free to build the mods they want, and having it be judged for its own merits, and not the merits of other mods like it.



My suspicion was correct, http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...mp;#entry422176. No... You're not biased at all...

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Couldn't agree more with Vagrant0...I am a newbie retexturer...and I know I worked some time (example Sword of the Gods) to make those to look a little good.
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Any mod, no matter its type, is always rated by the same system:


Its either good or bad.


Even following your system, a good weapon/armor retexture (mighty umbra - sure, it comes with a quest, but I would sell my soul just for that sword. Hell, I nearly did) would beat a bad ownable castle hands down.

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Sorry bud, but your rating system is rubbish. Vagrant0 nailed it on the head as usual.


To me, if the mod or picture is good, i rate it good, if its bad, i rate it bad. Theres no sub catagories, and no need for them.

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OK i seemed to get alot of "Rateing System is Rubbish" posts but i have some answers first off.


1.(Retextured And Model) It does require alot of skill indeed but the general ammount of these are just recolors and this is my system for GENERAL MODS.


2.(Overall) This is for general mods i agree it is rough around the edges and such but i do beleive that more scripted mods deserve more rateing even if they are intire rubbishness such as farming mods,player owned towns/citys,Quests.


3.(Other) Lets not forget this is for general mods and in general of what they usually are non-the-less of certain skills or experience what so ever for raytings i too agree a retextured bit of armor and weapons can be 10s or 8s but these are not general mods for such cause basicly the majority of retextured items are all just recolors and re done models are usually cut offs of certain creatures EG:Deer Antlers *Cut Off Of the Deer(BUCK) Model*.


And usually farming mods,quests are all good overall with no exess and infact require scripting everylast plant ingame and most alchemy items and this i do beleive deserve more when it comes to general gardening/farming mods.


As for general player owned towns and city and due to the balance of needing lots of time,mastery of placeing objects,quests,scripts,countless number of NPCS,Terrain.


I do concere they are usually gfiven a 8-10 atleast generally done ones.



NOW i do agree with all of you most mods can be quite better than general raytings ive put here Or quite less but we are talking about general mods and how they generally are which is what is on the site.




So i do conclude you are all pretty much right but...your talking about diffrent mods that can do multiple things or have exessive or added features and this topic is for basic general mods without all the additions or added features and overall the topics for general mods more a less then mods that add diffrent features that are non generistic to the achual category of the mod.


And further-more everywon has there own way of rayting but it shouldnt be just by a mods picture and you should achually test them before rayting or even commenting....before hand without even testing the mod and by rateing by picture it doesnt show a fair or balanced rayt in the end bit of your comment or rayting because then you cant accurately say a proper comment or post about the mod because you achually have very little information on the achual mod and your only rateingw aht you see from screenshots WITHOUT achually seeing the mod and feeling its features...


And So I Do Say Ive Answered All Your Peoples Questions About My Way Of Rayting "GENERAL MODS" And Hopefully Pointed Out This Is FOr General Mods WIthout Added Things And Pointed Out Also Its All About your Tastes Overall But it All Comes Down To This Same Rayting System When It Comes Down To Rayting Fairly With TEsting The General Mod And Somewhat Giveing it Time.


And yes i do rayt my own mods under my same rayting system for general mods under this same system infact.


And it also seems everywons a bit aggitated/furious about my rayting system but i think you all forgot the title for *GENERAL MODS* in the first place....


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If this is for ‘general mods’ (whatever they are exactly; but the word ‘general’ was used 20 times in the last post so they must be something o_O) then why are you mentioning ‘farming mods’? :huh: I’ve never even heard of a farming mod before now so it hardly strikes me as the sort of thing that can be described as general. :confused:
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