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One handed SMG and pistol animations.


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well there's this which only works for third person:



and/or this that only works with revolvers:



If you use both, revolvers will be one handed in both first and third person, other pistols only in third.


I'd love to see someone make FP one handed animations for other pistols as well, though.



Just found out that you can use this to take care of the deliverer and other pistols that use its animations:



It won't work like that as is, though, once it's installed you'll have to go into your data folder






Should both have folders labeled "M1911A1" in them.


Rename the one in the first folder to CovertSidearm


And for the one in the Power armor folder you'll have to make a new folder named "Weapons", Move the M1911A1 folder into it, then also rename it to CovertSidearm


This worked for me at least.

Edited by mauskal
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