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Movement/Mobility catagory for Skyrim Nexus


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Movement is one of the most important parts of a game, so why is there no section to help find mods that try to improve upon the choices of run, walk, jump, sneak or swim for deliberate movement. I seriously hate how boring the movement is in skyrim, and the exploration section of the game suffers for it. We need mods that add options like climbing, levatating, flying, gliding, and other examples of far more interesting ways to get from A to B besides what is already in skyrim.



this is a reposting of a topic that was in the wrong section of the nexus, but the comment that was left on it... It just made no sense.




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Mods for those would be listed under the animation category.




Why? They aren't animations. Saying they are animations is ignoring all of the other things that you'd have to do beyond just animating it. Like, say there is a crawling mod that acts as an even stealthier mode besides sneaking, and as a way to get under things. you'd have to have the key bindings and then changes to hitbox, walls to ensure you couldn't crawl where you shouldn't, stealth, sounds, how you attack, and I'm sure many other things that I am missing or forgeting. or if you mean animation as in it moves,well a lot of things move, so could therefor be put under animations. Npcs, weapons, spells, clothing, etc. Also, why would jewelery get its own catagory, and sheilds get their own catagory when there are clothing and armor respectivly, in fact, armor is a type of clothing.

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