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This is driving me INSANE


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Hello fellow modders.

I'm quite new to modding on pc and I'm having a bit of trouble. I'll get straight to the point, I'm trying to install this certain mod and I'm about to tear my eyeballs out from the frustration I cannot CANNOT for the life of me get it to work. The mod is (Weapon Re texture Project - WRP) I install it manually, through nmm, through fomm and I tried mod manager. I reinstalled the game and deleted every other mod just to figure out how to make this 1 mod work. I tried re activating archive invalidation I tried every install method (stated above) but it just refuses to work and man it's beyond frustrating.

Any help would be SO appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Hey there Dubious.
Thanks for the reply and sorry for my late reply was in the am's here in Australia. You're right I should of referenced to that ask to for help and I'm sorry I didn't, but I just feel like this is such a small fix i could be missing no one else seems to have my certain problem. It's installed in This pc > Local disk (D) > Games > Steam > Steam apps > Common > Fallout
I'm running windows 64 bit
I'm running it on a pc that has gtx 960 (and not sure what else my bro built it and I'm not tech savvy at all sorry)

If you need any more information let me know thanks I really want to get this sorted out.

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Your game is not under the "C:\Program Files" directory tree, which is great as it eliminates a whole host of potential problems. The other info tell me it's not that your system is inadequate.


WRP is a "texture/mesh" replacement mod, so it replaces vanilla versions of those files. You absolutely have to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-then-on again after installing it so it recognizes that there are loose files (added by the mod) which have to be used in place of the vanilla files in the BSA files. That failure to toggle is the most common reason behind such "problems". This is usually evidenced by red "!" icon for missing meshes, and solid colors for missing textures. The only other reason for this "missing element" error indications is that you failed to install all the necessary files, such as an ESM or BSA file or they aren't in the correct location.


In the case of WRP, the package has a "non-standard" folder structure. (Not an uncommon mistake by mod authors, so learn from this.) The game (to include mod managers like NMM and FOMM) is expecting the top level folder to be "Textures" or "Meshes". It assumes they are being placed under "Data". The package starts with a "RLS" folder, which the game does not recognize, and so it places that as the "top level" under "Data". Most likely this is your problem. Unpack WRP to some other location and then either rebuild the archive so the top level folders are "Textures" and "Meshes" (in other words, without the "RLS" folder at all), and then install with your mod manager, or manually drag those two folders into the game "Data" folder.


The text file under the "RLS" folder is a documentation file. If you want to keep it in the package, just place it in the top level along with the "Meshes" and "Textures" folders. Personally, I rename such to "<mod_name>_ReadMe.txt" so I know which package they came from.


PS: Note that there is a separate "GRA Patch for WRP" mod, produced by micalov.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Dude thank you so much you're a legend mate it works nicely now I appreciate that you wrote all this out for me. I'm so glad you saw my post lol.
I'm so grateful man this was doing my head in. Getting it to work and seeing it in game is such a relief.
Thanks for doing this for me Dubious, have a great day. :D

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If you are using a "mod manager" (such as "Mod Organizer", FOMM, NMM, or Wrye Flash) then this is a menu option. Where it is found depends upon the mod manager. Please see the 'ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager)' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Various tutorials (both written and video) on each of the mod managers can be found in the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. The entire article is recommended reading for anyone new to modding their game as it covers most things you are going to be expected to understand when speaking to others about your problems.


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