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Making New Meshes for Oblivion

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I don't know much about blender or 3D modeling but i would really like to start making some new models for oblivion. I've searched google quite a bit but can't find any real tutorials on how to make new assets for oblivion with blender. So would anyone be willing to walk me through the process or does anyone have some tutorials I can follow? Right now, my hope is to make some skyrim inspired architecture for oblivion, so I don't need any armor and skeleton tuorials. I will appreciate any help. Thanks:)

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Hmm, maybe these will get you started: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifTools

Look at the "Blender" and "Oblivion" links for more tutorials and links for several tasks you will find interesting.


Oh, and I'm sorry, if some of the links don't work anymore. Seems they're currently re-structuring their old pages in a new environment, and while those tutorials of old did give me everything I needed to get started, there's no telling their links/pages still all work and do now.


But the most important points to note for you likely will be, you'll need Blender v2.49b, as later or more recent versions aren't exactly supported by the import/export tools (I've heard of "1" other more recent version said to work, but it's just gossip so far), you'll need said NIF im- and export scripts for Blender, you'll also very likely need NifSkope for several post-export repairs, as usually what comes right out of Blender as a NIF can't just simply be put into the game straight away, and certain different tasks will need certain different steps to create a functional NIF from your Blender creations that will also work inside the game. For architecture in particular you'll want to learn about collision meshes and their different properties set up in NifSkope. It should all be linked to from somewhere over there though, last I recall.

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So from what i can see, all the oblivion links are not found except for new hair and a dragon conversion. There are some havok subpages but I don't think I would need those. There is a subpage titled Oblivion/Oblivion 201 - Meshes and Data too. Is that what mesh data should look like in NifSkope? If so, can I just make a mesh and export it as a NIF and then change the data so it matches that?

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I highly recommend doing Blender Noob To Pro to get started on 3D modelling.

As far as materials, nifs only use a limited number that Blender offers. The idea is to import some vanilla nifs to get ideas of what is what.


As DrakeTheDragon pointed out, Blender 2.49b is the latest version to fully support NifScripts.

I have an Import/Export tutorial on how to do this - all download links included.


I use the current version of Blender to work then save as Legacy - press F2 then tick Save as Legacy (lower left) and save. Blender 2.49b can then open it.

Note that materials and textures need to be Blender Render, not Cycles.


I do not view these forums very often - if you get stuck then feel free to pm me.

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