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Can't finish Blind Betrayal Quest (BoS Spoilers!)


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Spoilers for the Brotherhood of Steel quest line!!

Spoilers for the Brotherhood of Steel quest line!!

Spoilers for the Brotherhood of Steel quest line!!



So I have a gun pointed to Paladin Danse's head and reluctantly pull the trigger. He falls over perfectly alive and seemingly unphased by the bullet to his head. I empty a mag into him and he won't die. I think he's still labeled as a essential companion. I'm running AFT which I figured could be the problem but I disabled it and he still won't die. Anyone have this issue?

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Nope never had that issue.


You can try advancing the quest via console. I assume you don't want to spare his life, than you should advance the quest to stage 170.


setstage 000b9f9d 170


That should do the trick. If Dans doesn't die, you could just disable him. Open the console, click on Dans and enter disable.



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