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Animation woes with Immersive Animations, DSR, XPMSE etc.


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I'm having a number of animation problems with my mod setup that I'm struggling to diagnose. I've attempted to use the Immersive Animations / Dual Sheath Redux / FNIS / XPMSE combination to sheathe and unsheathe a sword and shield from my character's back, but I'm having frequent issues, such as:

  • the sword sheathing to and from the back but the shield remaining in place, with the character holding an invisible shield
  • the shield appearing in duplicate on both the left arm and the back
  • the sword sheathing to and from the left hip as in vanilla, but appearing on and disappearing from the back

...and so it goes on. The strange thing is that the issues aren't consistent; re-running the DSR Patcher and GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and reloading sometimes temporarily fixes the issue, as might switching to, equipping, unequipping and switching back from a different weapon via hotkey. (Which, incidentally, is just as likely to break the animations when they are working.)

On an possibly related note, I'm also having issues with the camera popping or defaulting to third person, and resetting to the close-up third person view. The issues began around about the time I started playing with the skeleton, so they might be related.

I can post my full load order when I get home this evening, but off the top of my head, the conflict (if any) may lie somewhere among the following:

  • Immersive Animations (main component, sneak, dual axe, dual mace, dual sword from back, greatsword sprint, normal sprint, rogue stab, strafe, leaping cross slash)
  • FNIS
  • Dual Sheath Redux
  • All Geared Up
  • Equipping Overhaul (currently disabled)
  • Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
  • Knapsack Backpacks

Just thought I'd see in the first instance whether there was any common knowledge about known conflicts, bugs etc. that I'd overlooked. Any help would be gratefully received.

Thank you

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