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Black Grass Texture in Solstheim only


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Hi guys after doing so many play through i can't help but notice this annoying black grass texture that i only encountered in my travels in solstheim. I don't know if black was its original texture or vram problems. If anyone would know what could be the problem because i think i don't have any grass mods installed.


I'm playing skyrim in my laptop Lenovo Nvidia GTX 920MX 2gb ram i7.

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That looks more like a LOD for a shrub. Go into the console (~) and type: tll


This toggles the LOD models. If they disappear, then it confirms that it's a LOD. Type tll again to turn them back on.


It looks funny because in the distance, grass is not rendered at all but LODs for shrubs do show up. When you get closer, the grass appears and the regular mesh for the shrub appears too. I find it better when there are no shrub LODs, so that grass and shrubs both appear at the same time.


Shrubs are considered to be the same as trees. Are you using anything that modifies trees (e.g. Skyrim Flora Overhaul)? Or are you using DynDOLOD to generate LODs?


The tree LODs are usually found in:


You could try deleting that file or finding a different one.

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