FiftyTifty Posted November 14, 2017 Share Posted November 14, 2017 (edited) One of the hiccups with the Transfer Settlements mod, is that it doesn't export dropped inventory items that have not been interacted with through the workshop menu. Doing so links them to the workbench, which allows them to be exported. So I thought of a solution; make a script that links all nearby player-owned items to the nearest workbench. And it works, right up until I check if the player is the owner of an item. Whether I compare the result of GetActorOwner() to the player actor base record, or GetActorRefOwner() to the player actor ref, it always returns false. The player definitely owns the items, and the items are being passed to the proper variables, so that's not the issue. And I know the player owns the items being processed, as the console command IsOwner shows the player is the owner Any idea what's going weird 'ere? Here's the function with the problem, rest of the script works fine: Function LinkItemsToWorkbench() bIterating = true int iFormListIndex = 0 ObjectReference objrefWorkshop = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(AAAFyTy_WorkshopWorkbenchFormList, PlayerRef, 20000) While iFormListIndex < iNestedFormlistCount FormList formlistCurrent = AAAFyTy_PhysicsItemsMasterFormList.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList ObjectReference[] objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistCurrent, iDistance) int iFoundItemsCount = objrefarrayFoundItems.Length int iFoundItemIndex = 0 Debug.MessageBox("Found items: "+ iFoundItemsCount as string) if iFoundItemsCount > 0 While iFoundItemIndex < iFoundItemsCount Debug.MessageBox("Adding Item To Workshop At Index: "+ iFoundItemIndex as string) ObjectReference objrefFoundItem = objrefarrayFoundItems[iFoundItemIndex] as ObjectReference bool bPlayerOwnsItem = (objrefFoundItem.GetActorRefOwner() == PlayerRef) if bPlayerOwnsItem == true Debug.MessageBox("Linking Item To Workshop") objrefFoundItem.SetLinkedRef(objrefWorkshop, WorkshopItemKeyword) EndIf iFoundItemIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf iFormListIndex += 1 EndWhile bIterating = false EndFunction All the debug messages before the if bPlayerOwnsItem == true block run just fine. The only one that doesn't display is the one a line up from objrefFoundItem.SetLinkedRef(objrefWorkshop, WorkshopItemKeyword), as bPlayerOwnsItem is always false. Full script: So err, any idea why it's always returning false? Edit: So for some reason, the GetActorRefOwner() and GetActorOwner() functions don't return a form on the items, despite them being owned by the player. Checked the FormIDs with the .FormID() function, and it always returns 0 on those two functions. And for some reason, when there is no owner of an item, the game assumes the player owns it (IsOwner console command returns the player), despite the owner not being set. So I need to figure out some way to set the player as the owner for these items. Edited November 15, 2017 by FiftyTifty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FiftyTifty Posted November 15, 2017 Author Share Posted November 15, 2017 I found a less than ideal solution, but a solution nonetheless! Since Papyrus uses 32 bit integers, the higher value FormIDs (e.g, FF000000) are in the negatives; they're signed integers. The behaviour is that past a certain point, the higher hex values start over from the smallest integer value. So FF000000 is the same as -16777216, and FF900000 is the same as -7340032. The higher these FormIDs, the closer to 0 they become. And since every object created at runtime (including spawned NPC's items, unfortunately) has their FormID starting with the FF prefix, we can just compare them. if iFormID > FF000000 && iFormID < FFF00000 then DoStuff Here's the modified function: Function LinkItemsToWorkbench() bIterating = true int iFormListIndex = 0 ObjectReference objrefWorkshop = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef(AAAFyTy_WorkshopWorkbenchFormList, PlayerRef, 20000) While iFormListIndex < iNestedFormlistCount FormList formlistCurrent = AAAFyTy_PhysicsItemsMasterFormList.GetAt(iFormListIndex) as FormList ObjectReference[] objrefarrayFoundItems = PlayerRef.FindAllReferencesOfType(formlistCurrent, iDistance) int iFoundItemsCount = objrefarrayFoundItems.Length int iFoundItemIndex = 0 ;Debug.MessageBox("Found items: "+ iFoundItemsCount as string) if iFoundItemsCount > 0 While iFoundItemIndex < iFoundItemsCount ;Debug.MessageBox("Adding Item To Workshop At Index: "+ iFoundItemIndex as string) ObjectReference objrefFoundItem = objrefarrayFoundItems[iFoundItemIndex] as ObjectReference ;Debug.MessageBox(objrefFoundItem.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " " + objrefFoundItem.GetFormID() as string) int iItemFormID = objrefFoundItem.GetFormID() if (iItemFormID > iCreatedFormIDMin) && (iItemFormID < iCreatedFormIDMax) ;Debug.MessageBox("Linking Item To Workshop") objrefFoundItem.SetLinkedRef(objrefWorkshop, WorkshopItemKeyword) EndIf iFoundItemIndex += 1 EndWhile EndIf iFormListIndex += 1 EndWhile bIterating = false EndFunction And here's the pastebin for the full script: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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