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Creation Kit - need help with scripting something weird


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I'm wondering if anyone would know how to make bullets/attacks pass through the player in a script temporarily. The goal is to make it so attacks damage your AP before your health, which would be one of the parts of a larger AP overhaul. I can make the player simply not take damage but you still get shot, as in the screen and sound effects of getting hit are still there. This is tolerable but I'd prefer it to be more like you're dodging the bullets. Does anyone have any ideas?


I do have scripting experience but not in the Creation Kit, I've only done Morrowind modding before but I'm pretty decent at it and this doesn't seem too different.



Also if anyone is curious what the AP overhaul would do, it would make it somewhere between the adrenaline in Max Payne and the style meter of DMC where it would constantly drain but the player gets the Grim Reaper's Sprint effect for free (the perk would just upgrade it) and it would work outside of VATS. Jet would be changed to just give you a bunch of AP, and sprinting/power attacks would cost no AP. The goal is for it to be a reward for being fast and ballsy to discourage hiding behind cover and playing it safe. Clearly not something for everyone but I enjoy playing that way quite a bit, I just dislike that the hitscan nature of the combat makes dodging bullets impossible and how you're encouraged to hide until your AP regens rather than going out and killing enemies for it.

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There's a way to set a perk effect to mod the incoming damage to the player, including reducing it to 0. Could you make that as a hidden perk that you add/remove with scripting? You might want to use explosion and limb damage too, just to cover you bases.


That or maybe there's an event that happens when the player takes damage? I know there's an event for going in and out of combat. If there is one for damage, you could set it up as a script inside a quest and see if there's a way to either stop the damage from happening, or instantly heal the player for the amount of the damage then change their AP based on said damage.

Edited by demonofsarila
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