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Power-Armor-Like Pip-Boy Menu?


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This is the mod i most want made. I have all the capabilities to mod, but i just have no idea where too begin trying to do this.

A [PRESUMABLY] easy way to jury-rig this kind of thing is to just make the pip boy menu zoom in more so the pip boy screen fills the whole computer screen, or maybe, make the pip boy screen into a full overlay if possible

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This is the mod i most want made. I have all the capabilities to mod, but i just have no idea where too begin trying to do this.

A [PRESUMABLY] easy way to jury-rig this kind of thing is to just make the pip boy menu zoom in more so the pip boy screen fills the whole computer screen, or maybe, make the pip boy screen into a full overlay if possible


But that's not the reason why people such as myself want a mod like this at all.

My primary desire for this mod is purely because it has no opening/closing animations, and no animation attached to playing holotapes.

Sounds like a small issue, I know. But it would be such a dream to not have to play an animation for each holotape...

Also, I prefer the look of it in general.

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This is the mod i most want made. I have all the capabilities to mod, but i just have no idea where too begin trying to do this.

A [PRESUMABLY] easy way to jury-rig this kind of thing is to just make the pip boy menu zoom in more so the pip boy screen fills the whole computer screen, or maybe, make the pip boy screen into a full overlay if possible


But that's not the reason why people such as myself want a mod like this at all.

My primary desire for this mod is purely because it has no opening/closing animations, and no animation attached to playing holotapes.

Sounds like a small issue, I know. But it would be such a dream to not have to play an animation for each holotape...

Also, I prefer the look of it in general.


oh, for sure. i didnt even consider that. i just got in my power armor, opened the menu and was like holy f*#@ that looks nice

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I forgot all about trying that. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3880465-where-is-the-show-pip-boy-function/


There is more discussion in the nested link, too.


The Pip-Boy looks like a cool piece of Army surplus, but I'd love to have the Power Armor version all the time.


The answer lies wherever the game handles button presses (or keypresses)...


... open Pip-Boy: if player in PA do PA version, else do regular Pip-Boy opening


The problem is how to redirect that key/button press to do PA version every time :-/

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Very interesting stuff, Thor. So it checks for a PowerArmor Perk, huh...

I understand that the game treats you different if you're wearing power armor.

Sometimes, NPCs think my character is in power armor if i'm using a Jetpack Ring.


I think the simplest thing to do would be to give the player the PowerArmor Perk, while removing all of the actual Power Armor effects.

But I suppose that would be problematic if anyone wanted to get into power armor while using this mod. Which would be a curious choice...

Or maybe a chem item could be used, bound to the PA pipboy. If that's even possible.

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Is the Pip-Boy already open by the time OnMenuOpenCloseEvent fires? If not:



if (asMenuName== "PipboyMenu")

if (abOpening) add the PA perk

else remove the PA perk


Pseudocode because I'm on mobile.





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