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How to clean up the records left behind by items I deleted from CK's Render Window?


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Hello guys, this might sound a like a n00b mistake, but I only realized this recently. Apparently, when you drag something into the rendering window then you delete it, it leaves behind a record that can be seen when you load the mod in xEdit, meaning it is still part of the mod.


And I have done that many, many times, meaning there must be a ton of records left behind. I would very much like to clean them up, but there are so many placed objects I cannot tell which ones are the ones I want to keep and which ones are the records left behind by items I have deleted.


So, what is the solution? Thank you in advance!

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Just realized that such item's record would not contain any position/rotation data, so at least I can tell them apart... but this still means I have to go through them one by one...! Is there a better way of doing this? Please help.

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