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MOD Coming Soon... A new concept... Themed Load Order (Vampire)


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Tell me what you think.

I intend to release what I've compiled into a set of 4 Mods, and a lengthy set-up which is intended to flesh out a Character Archetype for you to play as.

Downloading my mod, you will take on the persona of Vain; an ancient and mysterious vampire with a unique curse, abilities, allies, fighting style, personality, and appearance.

The first Mod is for Vain. You will download his preset, but much much more if you desire to experience this new concept, of following my themed load order guide.

The second Mod is for Witherfang. Witherfang is an armored mountable vampiric albino saber cat with custom combat abilities who will plow through dungeons.

The third Mod is for Aurlyn. I have customized her spells, gear, and appearance. She isn't a vampire but is intrigued by Vain's Power and isn't afraid of him.

The fourth Mod is for Ellie. She is a mysterious girl traveling with Vain. She plays the facade of an innocent teen but is ruthless and ancient. Poison lurks in her veins.






Vain is a cunning and crafty manipulator, though Vampires are hunted and killed at higher rates than ever before, due to the ravenous nature of many vampiric cults. Vain's true nature is one of a mystic, seeking self discovery.

Vain's origins lie shrouded in mystery, to himself. His first memory is of waking in a river of blood in a dark cavern.

Illuminated by lanterns of red light that pulsed like hearts, he slurped and kicked and sloshed and screamed, tearing out of his demonic placenta.

Cocooned in a thin film-like slime of yellowy sinew, he may have lay for an eternity in the bowels of the earth before bursting forth from his slumber like a black pearl.

Though A full grown man, he appeared; he could not speak. He could not think expect for scream. He was severed from the warm blood of molting rock.

A man was there, too, who could not speak. He raised Vain beneath the earth, teaching him to harness magic with his body. TEACHING HIM OF HIS BIRTHRIGHT.

His curse. Vain's Heart belongs to a great spirit of the earth. It hungers for the vitality of living creatures. With deep patience it has waited to surface.

Vain was trained in brutal magical combats involving lightning quick dodges and energizing his blood to direct it into aimed surges of volatile razor sharp blades,

or into spheres of pure energy charge. His teacher fashioned him many fantastic demonic creations to assist Vain in slaughtering as many living things as possible.

Groomed as a weapon of mass destruction, Vain was never taught to speak the languages of mortals. Though he heard their whispers within his mind often.

The words of dead men, long devoured by the creature of his own heart. Their stories beat through his veins, as if their very souls had been absorbed into him!

Vain slowly learned that he was an entity of his own will, even though his heart controlled him at most times; it could not resist sleep for long. During the hours his menacing heart rested, he learned to speak in mortal tongue. While it was awake, he learned to destroy, and suppressed any pursuit of knowledge.

For three years Vain trained, and never did his heart catch on to his alternative intentions, until Vain was fluent in the speech and the world of Mortals even having spent his entire life in a cave with a mute monk and an unfathomable demon of a deep, molting, and patient hunger. On the day of resurgence, the taint burst with overwhelming craving. It crushed every thought beyond feeding. Gnawing. Chewing. Slicing. Drinking. Breaking. Ripping. Slurping! The impulses flashed in his mind like thunderbolts, causing him to tremble. He crawled through a small hole in the ground, littered with bones and spiders, for days; guided by the silent monk and the hunger in his heart. He could see the glow of blood far off through the very ground like constellations in the dark. Finally approaching the glowing redemption, he clambered forth through the hole into the light of day, and nearly burn to ashes. His heart shrieked and squealed, and so did his mind... Immediately his heart was flooded with images of Vain's intent of betrayal. As vain's body lie burning and writhing in the sun, His heart wrestled Vain of all control. It scrambled back down into the hole and began to attempt full enslavement of Vain's mind. It Churned fire through vain's body, spitting hot sulfur through his vein's, which boiled his flesh. With his entire body inflamed, his flesh rotting and reanimating over and over, Vain's mind nearly died, reduced into white soup. Somehow he managed to call forth strength enough to lift his arms. He thrust his own blades into his chest, ripping at his heart. It would not die. They struggled for hours, until finally,

the silent monk spoke, shouting "STOP!!!!!!!!" His voice shook the cavern, it trembled with a deep howling horn that boomed from the depths, growing louder and louder each second. He lifted his hand quickly as if to pimp slap the noise. It immediately silenced, the sound, visible as black light streams, rushing inward towards his palm,like a vacuum. He continued, "This.... intro DUCTION... has gotten FARR... out of HAND!!!" His eyes bulged like a fish and looked like two shiny gold medallions with little fires brewing in them, instead of pupils. Suddenly Vain's mouth began moving and it wasn't clear who was speaking, Vain, or the demon.. " well- uh-well-um- i..-uh-sorta.. thought it was good-" "NO!!!" ... "This hAS.... gone on long! ...enough." The monk clapped his ancient wrinkled hands together and held them, his skeletal elbows pointed out, bending his legs in a strange crouching stance, and staring intensely and unpredictably at the both of him, He began charging what appeared to be sound waves within his hands. "Wait.. wait. ! wait! hold! on! we are ! behaving! NOW ! AHHH!!!" A shock-wave ripped open from the monks palms like a mighty dragon spewing from its eternal cage. It spread directly through the monk, splitting his body into fractal showers of black flesh and blood which immediately burst through the cavern in torrents of what appeared to be bats. They Swirled around the cavern, closing into a sphere around them. Unfathomable depths of sound rang through the cavern, absorbing even the energy of thoughts. Vain stood there in the center of them as they closed in slowly but steadily, filling all space around him, a million thirsty bats, ready to devour his heart and claim his ungodly powers. He stood there in the center of the hoard, as one. A single being. His internal war at peace, as the instinct of survival took over. Suddenly, the bats swarmed him. In half a second ,they tore and consumed an inch into Vain's body from every possible angle. The pain lit his body and he first understood what it meant to be alive, and time slowed. He looked through his very flesh, detecting all energy around him, all the BLOOD. He remembered how thirsty he was his entire life, for his first taste of flesh, yet he had one half of a single second left to bite into it. He closed his eyes, and prayed for redemption on the stars... the constellations of blood. Now surrounding him, Fulfilling him with their glory. His salvation was granted as He gave himself up to the blood, as an undying warmth returning to its source. His flesh burst into a brilliant spherical wave and washed over the cavern, embracing all life that dwelt their within him. Absorbing them. Cascades of soothing red lopped onto the shore of his mind, as he slept in the cavern for a week straight. He awoke to find his heart active. The demon welcomed Vain, pleased with him... with his aptitude to grow. It had gained a respect for Vain and appeared to now shakily accept sharing their body as willing partners. Though the demon spelled out its intent clearly. It desired to feed. Without feeding from the life-force of the living, their body would die. It warned Vain that although it can regenerate much of its flesh, these abilities have their limits, and if Vain's actions ever endangered their body, it would not hesitate to kill Vain. IT introduced itself as an ancient and powerful force, but honest to its word. It will kill Vain and will study him and his power.. intimately. Vain's mind will die eventually, perhaps after thousands of years, but his heart has no such limitations.

Night had fallen, and stepping outside, he was taken back by his first sight of the stars. He had heard of them through the whispers of undead souls, but seeing them, opened his mind to the vistas of space that may also reside within him. Gazing into the vastness of space, he sensed the presence of unknown depths, reaches which only the gods could cross, and further still, places none could dream of. Unfolded before him was a surface muted with cold white crystal, and jagged swords jutting from beneath. Between then were green valleys, flowing with blue blood. He craved all of the knowledge. He craved to know the origins of how this wonder of life could come to be. Though horror had plagued every turn of his twisted experience, he praised the moment and knelt to the ground to meditate. He felt his flesh vibrate in tune with distant melodies, the humming of stars. He sung along with them, vibrating his body with will, and through this exercise, learned how to repair his damaged flesh by tuning into the songs of nature. He meditated there until the harsh light of day pierced the horizon. As the heat slowly rose, he understood that the sun was surely his enemy. He returned to the cavern entrance, and slept through another day.


(I'm currently writing more of this, until the point where you will enter the game, as Vain's controller.


(My themed load order is comprehensive, and will demand use, and include...


-Vain PLAY *the Main Mod - containing features such as

*Exclusive player body

*Exclusive ninja combat unarmed-melee infused magic system, fully balanced with magicka,stamina, and health costs, and integrated into the leveling system

*Exclusive ninja Animation compilation designed to enhance the melee-magic system, including a balanced ninja leap power

*Health Stealing Enchanted Bladed Gauntlets, with realistic attack reach

*Bladed Gauntlet Blocking, with a Gargoyle Skin magical buff which slightly augments health the moment you transform, creating a temporary meat shield with each block

*Instructions to fully map hotkeys for a comfortable set up, with a rewarding complexity and diversity. includes optional role-playing elements, such as emotes


-Immersive First Person - My animation set-up looks decent in immersive first person

-Animations (nexus mod) - This augments role-playing elements while using immersive first person by allowing you to see looting animations play while looting

-DArk souls unpaused menus (nexus mod, IDK its real name, its an SKSE plug-in) - this unpauses all of the menus, including the command console, all except the map

-Warburg's Paper Map - A paper map... I know the secrets to easily getting this working with "NO GPS, Enhanced Lights and FX, Immersive HUD, and Less Intrusive HUD"

-NO GPS - With this unique combination of mods, you will be able to experienced truly being lost in Skyrim, and having to use a compass and paper map to navigate

-Immersive HUD -simply for its compass hotkey

-Less Intrusive HUD -allows you to easily configure every HUD element, including its size, position, opacity, and allowing things to appear at relative times

-Enhanced Lights and FX -weather and lights which suit a dark fantasy theme

-Pure Waters (or any other water mod which does not effect weather)

-Dark Forests of Skyrim (all new dark fantasy god tier mod)

-Better Vampires (this makes most humans realistically hate vampires, but vain transforms his flesh into the disguise of a mortal (his face actually changes) at the cost of blood)

-Aurlyn -She fits as one of Vain's friends. Aurlyn is wise, ancient, and open minded. She doesn't take offense to Vain's vampirism, unlike most living. She is also a traveler.

-Aurlyn's Arsenal -this is a mod I'll release which contains all of Aurlyn's vampiric equipment. Her body/face's appearance is yours to customize, using the mod below VV

-NPC Visual Transfer 2 -this will allow you to customize Aurlyn's looks. I will reccomend a few come release of the mod.

-Witherfang -Witherfang is more than Vain's mount, he follows vain everywhere (including interiors) and never shy's from battle. He glows red when angry and devours flesh.

-Ellie -Custom. Vain's ally. Ellie is a powerful vampire who appears as a teenage girl. She uses toxic-sludge infused vampiric magics. Vain taught her to fight using armblades.

-Many others mods ive yet to list are required for the full experience











Edited by theLostYou
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I will release a new mod called Vain PLAY soon.

Vain PLAY is a Mod that aims to fully customize your skyrim experience. You will play as Vain, an ancient, powerful, humble, and cursed vampire with unique gifts and allies.


IT will be bundled with 3 other new mods: Witherfang, Ellie, and Aurlyn's Arsenal.


Being released along with these 4 cooperative mods, is a full Vain PLAY recommended Load Order Guide .


Vain PLAY will consist of Vain's Race Menu Preset, Vain's Armor, Weapons, spells, standing stone, custom player race (compatible with Better Vampires mortal mask spell), animations, and more.


Vain's Combat is visceral. Vain fights with arm-blades and foot-blades. He can project ranged or melee blood magic and lightning magic through his physical unarmed attacks.

While striking, Vain can project up to 3 missiles in one attack, depending on its angle.

While striking, Vain can perform lightning quick strafe dodges, up to 5 in one attack.

While striking, Vain can absorb the flesh of enemies through his armblades and footblades.

While striking, Vain's attack range simulates actually striking with his footblades and armblades, but he truly uses an invisible one-handed weapon tied to unarmed animations.

While blocking, Vain blocks using his armblades alone, and his skin transforms into gargoyle stone, giving him a minor temporary health shield. Truly using an invisible shield.


Witherfang will consist of Witherfang; A fully-armored Saber Toothed Tiger mount inflicted with Vampirism. Witherfang follows the player indoors, glows red while in combat, and steals hp with strikes.


Ellie will consist of Ellie and her armor, spells, & weapon. Ellie is a teen vampire, with toxic vampiric magic, who fights with battle claws. She is Vain's ally. She uses the custom teen voice on nexus.


Aurlyn's Arsenal will be an add-on to Aurlyn, which balances her overpowered spells and supplies her with a very unique compilation of vampire themed armor. Aurlyn is a custom voiced follower.

Edited by theLostYou
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