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Trying to choose the right combat mods according to my taste


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What's the difference between Wildcat, Revenge of the enemies, Requiem, Duel, Advanced Adversary Encounters, Combat Evolved and Ultimate Combat? From reading their readmes, they all look very simmilar.

What I want is:

-> The most advanced AI.
-> The most balanced experience. I mean, overpowered tactics, items, spells, etc, are nerfed, and underpowered tactics, items, spells, etc, boosted.
-> Lore friendly.
-> The game keeps challenging no matter your level. When I played vanilla Skyrim the first time, the later stages of the game, with character level +50 and the like, were a chore.
-> Enemies are able to cure themselves
-> Enemies have new or previously unused abilities, powers and spells (lore friendly)

I have already read https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6a82uh/best_mods_for_combat_2/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/4uopsu/best_mods_for_combat/ discussions.


Edited by Sirlancelot2011
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