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Exporting PC face from Skyrim SE to Oldrim


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I've been trying to unsuccessfully export my character's face from Skyrim SE back to Oldrim so I can play with some older mods. The usual method I've used in the past with Oldrim just doesn't seem to work.


Normally I'd open the console in game, type 'spf <character name>' and that would generate a *.npc file. I would then open up the Creation Kit, find an Imperial preset, import the *.npc file, then save the updated info as an *.esp file and put it in my load order. I could then invoke showracemenu from the console, choose the desired preset, and presto! I'd have my desired face.


But for some reason this doesn't seem to be working. I can export my face from SSE, import it into Classic CK and save the .esp, but when I invoke 'showracemenu' in Oldrim, the 'new' face isn't there. What can I be doing wrong?

Edited by jhelzei
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