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Which INI/In Game settings do you use to improve FPS?


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I'm trying to compile a list of settings that significantly affect the FPS.


I've personally found the following make a difference, but I'm wondering if there are any others out there that make a difference to other people.

  • [Display] fDirShadowDistance (shadow draw distance)
  • [Display] iShadowMapResolution
  • [Display] iVolumetricLightingQuality
  • [Display] bVolumetricLightingEnable


Are there any other tweaks that you personally use to improve the FPS? Particles? Fade distances? Water details? Decals? Imagespace changes?

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Bilagos Fallout 4 tool helps a lot with tweaking.


Water reflections can cause a big hit, sometimes. Ofc, only if there is water.


Enabling all of your cores for Fallout 4, may also help.



Those two are probably the most crucial ones. There are many people that use those, because some mods suggest them, but it will murder your system. There can be also mods, that apply them with an external ini file. The FPS loss can reach from 0 to 40+ FPS. Never set it to 0 if you prefer FPS and a stable game.


In addition to that, mods that modify world space can also cause huge FPS hits, when they break combined meshes. You'll see that, when you open an ESP with FO4Edit and open world cells. Everything has a [placed] tag is part of a precombined package. If this file is touched/moved, precombined meshes will be disabled for the whole cell.

12345 TreeBig [Placed] <- should be deleted as it may cause huge FPS issues.

54321 TreeBig <- is fine


Grass 'can' also be very taxing.


The mods RaiderOverhaul and Super Mutant Redux, can also cause huge stutters. Its a problem with the mod itself. At least for Raideroverhaul, ive created a patch, but it is tinkered to my BLD Mod.

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That's all good advice, though not quite what I was looking for. I'm hoping to find things that might be able to be updated dynamically. I already have something that will update shadow distance and volumetric lighting automatically, and it makes a big difference in game play. It would be pretty difficult or impossible to dynamically enable/disable mods or combined objects ;-) Grass might be interesting. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference on my system, so I'm not sure how I'd test the efficacy.


Anyway, thanks for the information.

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