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Unique Locational Loading Screens


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Do you remember playing one of the older RPGs years ago? You are loading through areas, you get a random loading screen BUT THEN! You enter a boss room or a special room and the game gives you an amazing unique locational specific loading screen of the boss you're gonna fight. Is it possible to make something like that? There are mods on the nexus which add actual screenshots from nexus users as loading screens and its great but is its possible to do something similar with locational specific images in certain places?

Ideas for places:

- The interior you fight Mercer in
- Miraak's Book
- Harkon's room with the shrine of molag bal. Imagine a cool picture of you and Serana vs Harkon.
- all the legendary places like:

The soul cairn, blackreach, forgotten vale and darkfall cave, sovngarde...

- Morokei when retrieving the Staff of Magnus and also pretty much any dragon priest. They are all unique and have lore behind them

- The emperor's room. Not a boss fight but a very important place.

- Azura's star.

- The 3 legends of Skyrim:

Red Eagle, Gauldur dudes, The Pale lady. All of them are ancient legendary figures.

- The Forgemaster's interior


I probably missed alot.

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Yeah the current loadscreens have conditions on them to check when you're in the Tamriel worldspace, at night, in a certain cell etc.


Condition Functions


Some functions you will use are:

GettInCurrentLoc -- This one is especially good as if you want to target an entire town like all of Whiterun you just check if they are in WhiterunLocation and if they are in any cell that is considered to the be the town of Whiterun this condition will return true.

GetInSameCell -- Also good as it will prove true when a certain RefID is in the same cell as the player. Good for NPC's that move around.

GetInCell -- Will check if you are in a specific cell.


Be sure to use GetRandomPercent so the loadscreen doesn't always show up.

Edited by JobVanDam
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