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Trying to create a follower mod for Fallout 4...


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The last mod I made was for New Vegas. I never got into scripting for Skyrim. Once I sat down to create the Fallout 4 version of my follower mod, Hazel, I hit a brick wall, which had about 1,000 other brick walls behind it. Supposedly, Papyrus is great and allows for a lot more possibilities as far as what scripts can do, however I cannot figure out how to do F*** ALL with it. I can't even PLACE MY NPC IN THE WORLD with a script. I was unable to find any decipherable tutorials online and after not getting any replies to my original post asking for help, I literally just gave up and moved on with my life. I wasted dozens of hours of my life just trying to understand the simplest of functions with Papyrus before I finally threw in the towel. What can I do, where can I look, who can I ask to try and figure this crap out? Because I didn't get into creating mods for Skyrim, by the time I needed help with papyrus people had been scripting in it for years and all the links I could find to tutorials no longer worked, and nobody seems to suck as badly at this anymore as I do now. I am desperate to get my mod built, and I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.

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I suppose I should add that I did create some followers for skyrim for personal use, but they were bare-bones and had no custom scripting whatsoever. I just plopped them into the world. In NV, I used a script to add my follower to the world from a custom cell to keep my mod from conflicting with any other mods that might alter world spaces. This was my intent for FO4, as well.

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Not sure why you can't drag and drop your npc into a chosen game cell, but oh well..


If i wanted to add a npc to the game without even touching a cell, i would use a quest script to do so rather like this:




The above tutorial is a method to start a a script on game start up that can be used for anything; starting a quest, checking stats... or even moving things in to game.


I would just add a line that plonks my npc right next to the player (or other reference).


Like the linked tutorial, create a quest with 2 quest stages (0 and 10). The quest stages will stop your script firing with every game load.


My script would look like this:



Actorbase property MyNpc auto

Quest Property MyQuest auto


Function WhateverICallIt()

If (myquest.getstage() ==0)




; do nothing because we already did our thing





P.s. if you're really struggling with scripts, don't panic.. it will come in the end. I made a little tute a while back that might help https://youtu.be/mVDwLWkASgA

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Thank you for the reply, I will try it out. I just try not to add anything straight to the world to prevent mod conflicts. I like to have a private cell to spawn everything, then move each npc item to where I want it via scripting.

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