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Static Object exported from 3DS max example


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Hey guys, I'm still trying to explore options for creating custom collision for those of us that do not have 3DS max.


The next thing I want to look at, is a sample nif file exported from 3DS max, BEFORE it's been run through Elric.


The idea is that I would be able to create a nif file that is the same as what would be exported from 3DS max and then run it through Elric to get to proper physics data.


So I'm just wondering if any of you kind folk with 3DS max and a little bit of time to share, could upload a few sample static,anim static etc nif files, exactly as they are exported from 3DS max using havok content tools. The state they are in BEFORE you would run them through Elric.


Many thanks.


("Why not just get 3DS Max?" ..because I don't have £1600 to spend on a tool that I would only use for making mods! :) )

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