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First person gun glitch


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how to reproduce?


1. save a game on thirdperson view with any holstered gun that have attached mod on it.

2. load that saved game then press Q or just run straight forward then hold aim and switch to firstperson view.

3. Your weapon will disappear if you aim and if you shoot it doesn't deal any damage.







Edited by alphatrax
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No, certainly not without knowing what mods are involved as our mix is highly unlikely to be the same. But why would you think that matters? I accept that the problem happens for you. If the problem is NOT a mod conflict, then it is a base game bug and Bethesda is not going to fix it after 7 years, and it would be a more pervasive problem reproduced without any mods. Someone who works on fixing the game bugs (like YUP) might tackle it, but again, without an idea as to which mods are in the minimum mix required to reproduce it they aren't going to spend time on it unless the problem appeals to them. (Remember we are all unpaid volunteers with other things to do.)


Most likely source of the problem is that you are using a "First Person" animation mod that is having problems with that particular weapon. Have you replicated it with other weapons? Have you replicated it in vanilla without any mods? Have you tried other FP animation mods? Is there something about your system (hardware or software) that might be contributing?


Providing the information requested in the "How to ask for help" article gives us a starting point to look for known issues and possible solutions without forcing you to perform all those sorts of tests first. Troubleshooting is a process of elimination of the most obvious causes first.



Edited by dubiousintent
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There are two things going wrong in your video: 1) the "iron sight" animation for the "assault carbine"; and 2) the possibly related movement followed by switching to first person mode.


That mod (Reload Animation Fix - Lever-Pump-Single action guns by HeroinZero) points out in the "Technical Stuff" description that it may fix "movement glitches in rather hacky but simple and reliable way" by means of a script. Not saying that means it is at fault for the second issue, but that it is something to test by exclusion.


However, that mod should not be affecting the iron sight animation of the "assault carbine" you used in your video. You might want to also give some animation replacements a try, like "Weapon Animation Replacer (WAR)" by joefoxx082; or "1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul" by Hitman47101. Note some of the WAR animations are used in the mod "Weapon Mods Expanded (WMX)" by Antistar.



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