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Body sculpting.


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Is it possible to sculpt my characters body, using racemenu, the same way you can sculpt a face? Choosing and tweaking every aspect of the body shape? Or is that just too much and I have to stick with a body type like UNP or CBBE? I find that using the sliders tends to make some body parts look distorted, or in a lot of cases, cause visible neck/hand/foot seams. Maybe I am just too picky...

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I don't know how racemenu works but CBBE is awesome. You also get all the gear to fit with it as well, at least vanilla armors and clothes. :D You can also download premade bodies or make your very own combo in bodyslide. I think UNP has the same thing going for it but I think CBBE has more options.

Edited by Niborino9409
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It isn't going to mess with my armor and such if I play around too much? I want to tweak pretty much everything from thighs/thigh gap to breasts/nipples and everything in between. Request from the missus to basically make her in my game. Lmao. I currently use the UNP Topmodel body if that helps.

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