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Sooo....my Project Nevada and MCM just suddenly stopped working


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Ok so one day I was playing as usual everything worked all was good.But the next day when i launched the game everything just kinda..fell apart.For example the whole project nevada just stopped working....and when i tried to open the MCM it just wasnt there and all there was a message that said something like : there seems to be a problem with your nvse plugin and whatnot....but i didnt do a thing i havent even installed any mods. So im quite lost i have absolutely no idea what happend.

i would be happy for any help...

also this is like my first post ever.... i always managed on my own somehow......but i need help now

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Do you have the NVSE script extender installed? If not make sure you go get that and get the most updated version(it has a slightly different name I think). I had the very exact same problem when certain mods were not installed correctly. What worked for me was to uninstall any HUD mods/texture mods that were using the same files. Once that was done, you just need to reactivate them in the correct order and click overwrite all on each install. I hope this helps in anyway!

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Sometimes a problem that suddenly appears in an otherwise perfectly functional game is due to something outside of the game changing.
Did any of the following which interact with the game get updated or changed recently. They are prime suspects if nothing in the game itself changed:
a. Video driver. (The latest is not always tested against an older game.)
b. Sound driver.
c. Mouse driver. ("Advanced features" are not always compatible with the game.)
d. Power Outage? Run a chkdsk on the drive to fix any errors that might have occurred.
e. Windows system update (consider rolling back to the previous "restore point").


Edited by dubiousintent
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