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Fantasy style Bastard Swords


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I would love to see some proper fantasy swords in the game...I know it sounds a bit corny as a reference but the kind of blade you see in things like buffy the vampire slayer etc (not a fan of the show, just the weapons).



Also is it possible to add sais to the game in the dagger class of weapons?



thanks for having a look guys...:)

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Hmm... TBH, the weapon at the top looks like it would be severely lacking in structural resistance. You hit something hard enough with any reasonable position for the centre of percussion and that metal doily will bend very easily. It's a pretty weapon for a game, though, if you don't have your suspension of disbelief tripped by such considerations.


Edit: Hmm... it does give me some ideas, though. With a few modifications, it could be a believable sword... Probably not right now, though. City Of Heroes double xp weekend just started :P

Edited by Moraelin
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