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Little issue with rain.


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Hello everyone!

I tried to follow the "Ultimate modding guide -graphics" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/?).

I seem to have an issue with the rain or the clouds or something, I don't know what the reason behind it is, which is why I'm coming here, so seek your counsel.

If you can help me, it'd be wonderful!

Here's a picture:

Edited by Killmain
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That looks like some weirdly configured ENB rain. What ENB are you using? To adjust it, you can go into enbseries.ini or the ENB config menu (Shift+F12 by default, but Shift+Z for some) and adjust these settings:


I've shown my settings there. The easiest thing to try would be to disable ENB rain altogether by setting Enable=false. Then none of the other settings matter and it just uses the rain from whatever weather or rain mods you have. However, if you do that then you can't enable rain occlusion (rain getting stopped by roofs and other overhangs). Rain occlusion was only added recently, in version .319.


If you want to keep ENB rain, then you could try my settings above, or experiment (there are really only two numbers to tweak). You can switch UseOriginalTexture between true and false to see which texture you like (true: vanilla/mod rain, false: enbraindrops.tga). Tweak the settings in the config menu first and then commit them to enbseries.ini when satisfied.

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