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Skyrim Looting Spell (Not Loot Magnet)


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(Not Loot Magnet)

I am currently looking for a spell that Loots dead bodies BUT - Puts it into it's own chest - and not in the character's inventory. I've been getting tired of having to keep summoning a chest here or there to add junk from the bodies of bandits - and i wondered if there's a mod out there that Loots the bodies for you and keeps the loot in a separate container that one can look in at a later time.


(i Doubt there's a mod for this, but was worth it to ask. since i found nothing myself.)

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Amazing Follower Tweaks gives followers backpacks I think. So you'd have a mobile container with you. Can also summon followers to you if they get lost. But I don't know about any mods that do exactly what you want.

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Amazing Follower Tweaks gives followers backpacks I think. So you'd have a mobile container with you. Can also summon followers to you if they get lost. But I don't know about any mods that do exactly what you want.

I already use AFT - and never thought of that, my worry though would be them equiping different armor and weps that i want them to wear (Example Sword and Shield, and he picked up a staff and started firebolling all over XD) - But thanks for your input.


Automatic Follower Loot System can make followers loot bodies and chests for you (with their own separate loot inventory).

Hum, I'm going to take a look at this mod, it may help - so long as they dont equip what they loot. Thanks for the Advice/input (Ill update later if its the mod that i was looking for :D )

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