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[LE] Custom Animations using Blender & Anton's Tools - Movement?


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Yo guys!


I've recently stumbled upon Anton's Blender tools, and was just giddy at the prospect of actually being able to make some animations for Skyrim!


And I was quite successful. With a single idle animation.


I moved on to a walking animation, only to discover that the process that was so easy for an idle isn't up to snuff for a movement animation. Annotations for audio events and stuff? Extracted motion for actual movement? What sorcery is this?


Is Blender capable of doing that stuff? It IS something you'd have to do for movement animations, right?

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I'm also running into another issue: The movement animations aren't being replaced at all. They aren't even playing incorrectly, like in the base T-pose. It's just using the vanilla animations, instead.


Do you think its because they lack some sort of hard-coded requirement for a movement animation? They actually play correctly as an idle- albeit lacking movement, so that seems likely.

Edited by McMutton
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Well that's awkward. Turns out I just needed to duplicate the walk animation as 2HW_WalkArmBlend- the vanilla blending must've appeared to override my new animations. Huzzah!


Now some new stuff crops up, though:


1: When moving forward, the character's legs are going at an odd angle. Could it be related to the IPO curve thing mentioned in Oblivion animation tutorials?

2: The character's actual legs aren't using my own animation, as far as I can tell. Is it blending with the non-combat moving animations? If so, is there any way to get it to use my own leg animations, or would that require altering the normal walk?

Edited by McMutton
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