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Can't Unlock Shouts....


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For some reason I can't unlock a shout even if I have a dragons soul in my inventory, the only shouts I've been able to "unlock" are the ones taught to me by the greybeards... the only dragon shout mod I have installed is the one that makes them more powerful. Any suggestions!? Edited by TR3B0R
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Ok so just to check.

You open up the magic inventory

On the far right scroll down to shouts and click to select it.

the next column to the left scroll down to find a shout where you have the words but its not been activated.

When you find it, the box for it is displayed in the middle left of the screen

Tap the R on your keyboard

Spend the soul to activate the first word

Repeat click R and spend soul until all 3 words are activated

The shout will now not be greyed out in the list and can be used.


If you've done that and it still dosen't work then I have no idea :ohdear:

Edited by gentester
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