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Skyrim: living world 1.0


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Skyrim: living world 1.0


If you ever wanted to walk through the street of skyrim and have people praise you, prices lowered for your deeds, when you talked to people they would know that you where the mighty dragon slayer and savior.

Or on the other hand having them fear you, move/run on distance of you, fall on their knee’s and beg you not to kill them, give you the money/etc they had to keep their live.

Did you ever wonder why when you have killed 200 guards that the people of the city still tries to attack you instead of giving up and acknowledging that you are so powerful that they will just obey you, let you have stuff for free in the town etc. and they will talk behind your back, try to assassinate you etc.


I have. I would love to have a mod that could create the feeling of live; I am not a modder myself and therefore not capable of making the mod, but I can come with some idea’s of how you could make this and I hope that a modder will take up this project and that some of the idea’s will help out in this.


1. First of to make the world feel living in general:


a. First of we need all “actors” to react on your status

If you get the title archmage, thane, etc. actors should react to this and acknowledge the “power” which the title bares with it. Some “actors” should have a specific script which is unique for them, this is people with “power” like the jarls etc. since these got power themselves and won’t be as intimidate as a normal farmer/guard/etc. (gaurds should have their own reaction as well)


b. We need all “actors” to react to your stats.

If you have killed tons of people,civils,animals,etc the people will recognize you with different names and react accordingly. Meaning if you killed 1000 people you will be known as the manslayer and people will respect/fear you bc of this (depending if you are feared due to bounty or not).


c. Alignment

Enemies will recognize your alignment and react to this. Meaning enemies will see the status you have gotten and react. If you are evil and got tons of bounty enemy bandits will try to get you to work with them and won’t be friendly towards you, if you are neutral they will try to capture you or force money out of you, if you are “good” they will attack to kill you or in some instances give up and flee.


d. Enemies will not fight to the death.

Already now there is a mechanic that makes enemies try to flee and ask you to stop attacking them when they are hurt too badly, at this point the enemies will give up and disarm themselves and stop fighting, they will hereby be your prisoners and you can take their loot etc, and make them follow you to prison or do stuff for you, like stealing, sacrificing, praise, or be thankfull for you being so kind, there will be a chance that they will turn against you again if you ain’t coming back within reasonable time.



So to make this happen.

First of I would like to see changing in the bounty system.

As it is now once you got a bounty on your head it will never be gone unless you surrender, there isn’t a point where the guards simply realize you are too strong and they got to bow and give up.

I would like to see a change that says when you have killed x guards from the same town in 1 go, the town will simply give up and not attack you even if you break the law, they will respond to you with fear and avoid you if possible. The guards will acknowledge your power and you will have the option of taking the title you want in that town. (this will set status in evil, and the amongt of bounty should be counted.)

When you reach the point where the town ain’t hunting you anymore other towns won’t attack you because of this law break. They will recognize your danger and depending on the town you “own” they will react with a grand of fear (talking to you with respect not to piss you of), if it’s a small town you “own” they will talk to you like your some brat which shouldn’t try that stuff here since they will get you for it.



Actors react to your status.

At this point there is already some auto responses set into the game which gives different answers depending on the type of actor. I would think that by assigning a script of to the actor type we would get the ability to control the different types. This could make an “easy” way to get this working. By making a check when you talk/get near an actor, which checks for your “status” (this most be saved since some characters can recognize this) and then react accordingly (I sadly don’t know all that status you can have or all the special chars etc.).

When you made this check, make another check which looks at the players stats: kills of people etc. set a ranking system of what the most impressive deed is and make a chance which “random” select what the actor will recognize the player for and let him address the player for this.

Then make a check for “bounty” is it a good or bad player. The higher bounty the more feared the player will be and the more afraid the actor will react, in worst case just dropping to the ground begging for their live trying to give the player stuff for letting them survive.


Actors reacting to stats: this should be durable in the same manner as status and should be set up as a priority setup, in a way so it only runs the script with highest priority (meaning the actors react on the script with highest priority).


A check on alignment could easily be done by checking the bounty, if you got bounty it is evil(true), if you don’t your good (false). This should be really easy to make a check for I would think.



This could be a tricky one, I don’t know how enemies are set up in the system. But I would think that you could find the part where enemies crawl away from you when they are about to die and then change that part so once stay start to crawl away they are set as “friendly-captured”, then make a script/class which only effect npc’s with this “status” which basically copies normal npc’s dialog etc. but we need to use a “new” class for these since they need to react different than normal npc in regards that they are “captured” meaning their dialogs will represent this.


Enemies attacking you: change the reaction when enemies see you if you DON’T have your weapon ready(sheathed weapon) to use the alignment check to see if your good or evil, if you are evil, evil creatures won’t attack you and have “friendly” dialogs, you will be able to get them to be your allies without fighting them.

If they are good they won’t attack you instantly but will try to make you submit and pay them for letting you survive(this can be taken from the robbers you meet on the roads which tries to steal from you, so it shouldn’t be impossible to do). (later there should be added the possibility of them capturing you instead).

And ofc the other way around if your alignment is good.




The dialogs needed for doing all this will be a LOT!!! But luckily there is tons of people who can’t mod that would love to make dialogs and choices for what they respond depending on the situation. So I am sure if there was a modder or modders willing to undertake a project like this there would be more than enough people that would like to help out with dialogs for the npcs, and surely a bunch who would like to make specific dialogs and actions for specific charecters in the game :)


best regards from me

Edited by erebus2075
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