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Weapon ignoring Glow Map

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I created a custom textured glass bow which is meant to have glowing celestial bodies on it, but it doesn't seem to work. I read somewhere that there is supposed to be an emissive property on the mesh but I don't know how to set it. I tried attaching a node NiMaterialProperty (or something of the like) but it does not work, presumably because it doesn't attach to the BSFadeNode, and causes a Red Exclamation in the CK. Please help; without the glow, the stars won't look good.




In the CK, no glow is apparent despite my proper glow map.



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I right clicked on "5 NiTriShape" and went to Node>Attach Property> NiMaterialProperty.


"6 NiMaterialProperty" shows up, but listed on its own, after "0 BSFadeNode". The 6 would indicate that it is listed after NiTriShape, but when I click Save As, "6 NiMaterialProperty" becomes "22 NiMaterialProperty" and remains unparented. This is what causes the Red Exclamation point in the CK. I don't know how to put this node underneath or beside NiTriShape where it's supposed to go.

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Hm.. try right clicking the mesh in the 3d window and then select Attach Property -> NiMaterialProperty. Could be that it makes no difference but that way I attach alpha properties to fallout nif files and they always show uup in the correct place (inside the NiTriShape branch).
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It's the same issue. The node simply refuses to attach to the part it's supposed to, and remains unparented. Maybe it's a problem with the new version of Nifskope that is made compatible with Skyrim?
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Okay, I figured out how to attach NiMaterialProperty to NiTriShape using this tutorial but there is still a Red Exclamation in the CK. Maybe NiMaterialproperty is not compatible with Skyrim? If so, what is used to replace it?
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All of the texture effects in Skyrim nifs are done through the BSLightingShaderProperty. You'll notice a bunch of shader flags set, like SFSpecular, SF Environment_Mapping, etc.


I haven't really investigated how glow maps work in Skyrim nifs, but I know that Volendrung uses them. Try copy-pasting the BSLightingShaderProperty node from the Volendrung.nif, and reassign the textures. You might have to do some tweaking of variables, but it should work.

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Gorgeous Idea. Even without the glowing the effect you are trying for is beautiful.


I've had this issue with glow maps, too. The glow maps don't seem to work like they did in Oblivion. Setting the emissive aspect of the BSShaderProperty node just made the whole texture glow in my experience. Hope you or someone comes up with a solution.

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