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scripting tutorials


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There aren't really any scripting tutorials on the CK wiki, so I was thinking about trying to write one. Any suggestions on what I should do, and what the script should be about?


I've never written a real tutorial before, and I'm afraid I might now be able to explain things well.

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This might be a more advanced subject, but what about writing one about scripting doors, activators, and making sure you have their animations scripted in as well. I know I could have used something like that a while back on a door I was trying to add some extra functionality to. Plus, you are nothing short of a genius when it comes to scripting so I think it should be fairly easy to understand :)
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I figured out the animations for the levers a couple days ago so that I could make them have 3 positions (left, middle, right). I'm not sure exactly what to do a tutorial about though. It's not really interesting if I just say, "Do this to put the lever in this position, this other thing to put it in another position, and finally that to put in the last position."


Maybe I'll connect the the lever to three doors, and they can only be opened through the lever.

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A tutorial? I hope you know your stuff, because I'd like to know how to attach scripts to statics/items/objects. A simple tutorial on something like "Showing a messagebox when you hit any-tree/a-specific-tree with any weapon/Woodcutter's axe". Would be most helpfull :3
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I just finished putting up my tutorial on a 3 position lever controlling 3 doors. I don't know how to link it or add categories to it though, so I hope someone could do it for me.








While having a real woodcutting mod would be nice, I don't think it's currently possible to do such a thing. First, trees are static objects, and you can't place scripts on static objects. Secondly, Papyrus doesn't have a GetCrossHairRef function. So there's simply no way to get a reference to a specific tree at run time.


It might be possible once SKSE gets released though.

Edited by fg109
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If anyone's taken a look at the tutorial, I'd like some feedback. I want to make more tutorials, but before I do that, I need to make sure that I'm actually doing it correctly.


Is it too long? Too short? Not descriptive enough? Filled with too much unnecessary information? Did you learn anything about scripting, or did you only learn that you could put this script onto a lever to control 3 doors?




I've taken a look at the scripts for the Wabbajack, and it's simple enough to understand. But I don't think I can come up with effects as interesting as what the Wabbajack already does. If you have suggestions on what this custom weapon should do, I'd welcome it.

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Effect A - Turns victim into a Rock (That moving kind which are found in those bandit traps).

Effect B - Raises victim into the air, spins around quickly, and flings victim in a random direction.

Effect C - Transforms victim into a werewolf.

Effect D - Changes the player into a Mud-crab for fifteen seconds.

Effect E - Weapon turns into a pick, that gives random ore whenever an NPC is killed. It transforms back into it's original, crazy self after three minutes.

Effect F - Victim and Player drops all their items


And for the lulz, make the weapon a 1-damage wooden bow, and the effects only happen if you punch with the bow (Right-click when wielding the bow).


Aww heck, this sounds tough as nails :dance:

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How about going over some of the script tutorial examples halfassed examples that are on the wiki and make them real applications rather than here is an example for this script tutorial title. but all the scripts they made does is just bring up a message box saying you did such and such.


Also maybe some beginner tutorials that explain the basics of scripting for people like me who knows a little HTML and can copy and paste lines in PHP nuke to make a block work even if what they are copying and pasting looks like a cat walked on a broken keyboard to them.

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