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WIP : Long-Hafted Greataxe Animations


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So I got sucked back in to the game after quite some time, and thought I'd roll up a axe-wielding character. As you all know, there aren't really many battle axe mods, and even fewer animation mods for such weaponry (if any, that is).


You know what they say: If you want it done right, do it yourself. I've been wanting to do some Skyrim animation for quite some time, but until recently the software issue was holding me back. That is, until I ran across Anton's Blender Tools. So now I can do stuff!


The idea is that this'll go along with some slight remodeling of vanilla battle axes and warhammers in order to give them longer hafts; I'd always thought they were way too short. I'll probably have one or two new axes to go with it. Maybe even greatmaces?


Here's progress, so far!




Plenty of issues, of course:


-Anybody have any tricks for aligning weapons in the 3D software?


-Any insight on the odd angle of certain movement animations?


-The attack animation looks WAY better in the software. I suppose it's related to the weapon being misaligned:



Edited by McMutton
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