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How to make a specific NPC totally ignore the player?


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Hi Everyone


I've just started learning the Skyrim Creation Kit this week, my first modding since Half Life back around the year 2000! So sorry if my knowledge is not very advanced.


I'm trying to make a specific NPC ignore the player, specifically so the NPC doesn't turn to look at the player when he is near because this movement makes the NPC's animation go askew. The effect I'm looking for is similar to when you type tdetect in the console to disable AI Detection, but in this case I only want to affect a specific NPC and it has to be done in the CK in advance. I thought of making the NPC blind but even that doesn't seem too easy!


Thanks in advance...

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Look at the ghosts setups used in a couple of the dungeons like the ones in Labrynthian that you follow and every now and again they appear and run through a conversation. They are actually NPC's and completely ignore the player.
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Hammer(if you worked with the hl2 engine) and ck are slightly different, but it's cool once you get used to it. I think you could make a voice entry called sometihng like"novoice" and then assign the npc that voice and the npc shouldn't talk or just do something with this schedule from 1-24, he cannot talk. The schedule one should work.
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Hi Jet. Thanks for the suggestion. I dropped one of the Labrynthian ghosts, Elvali (MG07ElvaliGhost), into my dungeon. But she watches me as I walk around her so she's not ignoring me completely. I looked at her stats and she has two scripts: defaultGhostScript and MG07GhostScript but neither of those seem to influence detection of the player (I'm guessing that most ghosts in Skyrimm are designed to detect the player). Her AI Package, MG07GhostHoldPosition doesn't seem to have any references to the player either so I'm guessing the "ignoring the player" behaviour comes from the quest scripts. However, looking at the Staff of Magnus (MG07) quest scripts, I can't see anything in there that changes the properties of the ghosts...
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There is. Put a bucket on their head. :P


Wait, that might actually work. Try putting a bucket on their head and see if they still watch you. If not, you'll just need an invisible bucket (Or more realistically, use a custom mesh of some kind with a simple collision)

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The bucket idea might work(!), although it is still equivalent to making the NPC blind. I dropped Ulfr the Blind (dunWhiteRiverWatch_BanditWatchman) into my dungeon but he can see perfectly well, so again there must be a modification to make him blind when he is initialised in his quest (dunWhiteRiverWatchQST). There is a blindness spell (MS04Blindness) so maybe the NPCs cast that on themselves? There is also a function called IsDetectedBy(Actor akOther) but I think this is only for querying whether someone has been detected. But as Jet mentioned, there are ghosts (and possibly flashbacks and dream sequences) where NPCs are oblivious to the player's presence so there must be a method in there somewhere...
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You know what would be better with the bucket? If they walked around bumping into objects or other NPC's like a real person would if they put a bucket on there head. As for Skyrim buckets there is no way I would use one like that myself... most are the toilets of Skyrim!


Even better would be a bucket and brown goop dripping out of it while they did it. Ok yes That's wrong in so many ways but still would be hilarious to walk into a room and an NPC's is doing that.

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I'm thinking that maybe there is a marker in the quest dungeons that transfers blindness to the NPC or has a script attached. Unless there are blocks of script that I'm not finding in the CK (I only started learning it this week). I'll post here if I do eventually find the answer.


EDIT: I see there are a whole bunch of pex scripts in the Skyrim - Misc.bsa, so I'm guessing the answer lies in there...

Edited by stitchnexus
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