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Help! Constant CTD same crash report


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I've modded Skyrim quite a bit and I keep getting a crash to desktop when fast traveling or changing cells in and out of doors etc.


Crash log is pretty much the same every time. Ive gone through LOOT and repaired all of the mod files with TES5Edit.


The only error with LOOT is with Skimpy Plate Armor and it just says "Contains unexpected (or out of order) records."


Log File:



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Papyrus log is not a crash log.


Crashing on fast traveling or doors is usually due to RAM issues. Here are the usual memory fixes:

  • Make sure you have the SKSE Memory Patch set up.
  • Install Crash Fixes and be sure to read the description.
  • Install Bug Fixes. Not absolutely required, but it has some nice fixes that aren't covered by USLEEP.
  • Install Load Game CTD Fix. It fixes a thread race condition when loading save games.
  • ENBoost - This gives you the memory management features of ENB without the visual effects processing. Not needed if you run an ENB.
  • If you still have issues, you can monitor your stats with Skyrim Performance Monitor.
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It was definitely a ram usage issue. When loading a new cell the ram would jump up from about 2GB to 3.2GB then crash. And after installing ENBoost the ram usage has been around 500 - 700 MB.


Thanks for the help! :D

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