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More Fist/Claw Oriented Combat.


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Basically what I'm wanting is for someone to figure out how to make fist weapons, and fist magic work out better. From what I've seen of fist weapons people tried to mod into the game, they don't track well with your character's hands, and your character swings them like bladed/blunt 1-handed weapons. Can we not have gauntlets, and such that maybe take up a ring slot, that unequip when you switch to a weapon, if you ever want to then? maybe even just have fist weapons take up the hand slot or something. As for fist spells, has anyone ever tried possibly making a spell that just works right off the bat when you equip it? I know there's a mod where someone figured out how to make swords shoot magic, but what about a mod that can make your fists shoot magic, or at least have your fists do elemental damage, hopefully with a cool effect. Maybe make an alteration spell that can sharpen the claws on a khajiit, or argonian, or several to go with spells like oak to dragon flesh.

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