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Purging Unrelated Mod Accidental Changes?


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How do I go about telling Creation Kit that a change I've made didn't actually change anything?


For example:


I added a new NPC to the game that walks around whiterun.. I noticed that for whatever reason (when opening just my new .esm) it also saved Ysolda having changes, but I never modified anything on Ysolda.. I did, however, 'Edit' her node to see how Bethesda has it set up, and probably clicked "OK". If I upload to nexus and the load order isn't right, people will have their Ysolda changed and I wouldn't want that, but I would love to share my custom NPC. How can I go about purging the changes to Ysolda?



See the star next to the 1? That indicates a change, right? So how do I get rid of that??? Nothing's really changed, I just clicked "OK" instead of "Cancel" when closing her 'Edit'able attributes.


On a somewhat related topic:

How can I have skyrim load an NPC with custom hair? I would like the new NPC to have hair from the "Hair Pack" on nexus.. but when I load it in-game it reverts to default.

Edited by CurseOfDarkness
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You could try to open it up in SkyEdit without loading a master. You just need to select it in the open box and press "Set Active" to use it. Then scroll down to the entry you want to get rid of (highlighted in green) and delete it, and any changes that your mod makes specifically to Ysolda will be removed. Make sure to open it back up with CK to fix the header corruption that will occur.


link for SkyEdit : http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes5Mod:SkyEdit


Hope it helps

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When I open it alone it opens skyrim.esm anyways.. but maybe I can uncheck it, I will try.


Wait I'm doing this in CK.. are you seriously teling me CK was delayed release and there's no real way to do this in CK?!?!


It comes out with Ysolda 1*D in CK... and then on reopen, just 0.


Uhh.. pathetic... skyedit it is.


SkyEdit actors are hidden or something.. I can't find any NPCs


Could this have to do with using Ysolda's WhiterunYsoldaMarket8x7 AI Package? I'm using it to have my new NPC walk around in Whiterun...... (and it works)

Edited by CurseOfDarkness
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Not sure, I will verify it, but yes, the organization is very different, so it may take some time finding it, its quite specific where to locate something.


*It appears that Actors are still not editable by SkyEdit, and are classified under Non-Editable References*

Edited by Ethaksus
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Well in skyedit you can search, so search for ysolda.. the only thing that comes up is unrelated.. I don't think skyedit loads the information I'm working with. I could be wrong..... but I don't even think it matters, right? only if the load order for people is wrong? I just hate the fact that literally opening the actors edit and pressing "OK" puts a star (*) next to their count........ perfectionism ~_~ you can't even ctrl+z it.
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You could try deleting the changes in the CK. After loading your mod in the CK, select the menu File > Data and select your mod, but don't click OK. Instead, click the Details button.


Scroll down the list and look for and reference to Ysolda. If you find it, click on it and then hit the delete key (not the backspace key). This will put a D in one of the boxes next to the Ysolda entry.


Now click OK and the mod will load again. Double click to bring it to the render window and save it again. It should now save without the Ysolda reference.

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