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Close to tweaking first-person animations...


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I successfully imported a first-person animation (1hm_idle) into Blender along with the first-person skeleton.nif and made some tweaks, however when I try to add my tweaked 1hm_idle.kf into nifskope with my skeleton.nif loaded, I get an error saying, "couldn't find the animation's root node (1hm_idle)"


There were no problems converting the kf back into an hkx, there were only two missing nodes. I used the skeletonfirst.hkx to do it, renaming it to skeleton.hkx. However, the animation doesn't work in-game. I was thinking I needed to go into nifskope to fix something first, however, as I stated, my kf won't load.


I've heard that tweaking first-person animations is pretty impossible, but we've seen it done recently with 5poiler's first-person magic animations.



Edited by MrTissueBox
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