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Looking for help with mirrorin meshes...

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For a good while now, I've been trying to mirror two interior meshes for a mod project I'm working on. But no matter what I try, I just can't get it to work. There are always weird graphic glitches, or parts of the final mesh will blink in and out of existence, or the textures get garbled depending on the angle of my camera. Like they get distorted or bulge or seem to move about the surface in a real odd manner.


As a graphic artist, I am familiar with 3d software, but would not call myself a 3d modeller. I work mostly on 2d stuff and only use Blender occasionally. So I am fully aware, that there is a lot I do not know about modelling. Especially when it comes to textures and stuff. I mostly use 3d to set up perspective for my composition and then do the texturing bit by hand while painting...


I have, however, edited and tweaked fair number of Oblivion meshes and have had no issues with modifying their geometry. This is the first time I am trying to mirror a mesh, and it has me completely stumped and the errors I get baffle me. I just do not understand what could be the cause of the problems.


Googling has not been all that helpful either. Any advice I've found on the matter has failed me, and more often than not, lead to totally unrelated topics. None of the suggestions I've found have led to a working nif.


I get the feeling that there are some steps, that are common knowledge to more experienced modellers, that I am missing, and thus they are not spelled out in the advice I've found. Or maybe it really is that complicated an requires advanced modelling skills... At this point, I just don't know.


If someone could possibly bring some light to this matter, I'd be ever most gracious for such assistance. If it is harder to explain than to actually do, then I'd be quite glad if someone could flip the two buggering meshes in question for me. Though ideally I'd like to learn how to do it myself, so that I could mirror other meshes in the future as the need arises. There's some statues I might like to mirror at some point in the not too distant future for that symmetrical look...


In any case, the meshes I am trying to mirror are icgroundfloor26.nif and ictopfloor26.nif. They are the ones used for the interiors of the Arcane University buildings. As you enter icgroundfloor26.nif through the front doorway, you will find the stairs to the upper floor on your left hand side. What I need is the same nif but with the stairs on the right hand side, and obviously the upper floor to match the ground floor.


I've been at this on and off for several months now, and really could use some advice on it.

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