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[LE] Duplicate Skyrim.esm to esp for editing

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I had a mod idea about creating an alternate skyrim world by duplicating Skyrim.esm and converting it to to Skyrim.esp and renaming the file Trinity.esp. The problem is when I try to load Trinity.esp with masterfiles Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. The Creation Kit reports a localized string error and crashes. Does anyone know if this is possible to achieve?

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I have been trying to do that for quite a long time and I belive it is impossible


There is no way you can do it using CK, you can try to download .esp with copy of skyrim, but it will be very buggy and so big that you cant go one by one repairing it

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I found a way to do it. It can be done in TES5Edit, but the process is quite lengthy I am renumbering all the form IDs as we speak which will take an age


It can only be done one worldspace at a time though. But all I need for my project is the Tamriel worldspace, So I am just editing that one.

Edited by morrowind1979
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This does not work. Even though I painstakingly changed every single form ID and followed this tutorial to the latter: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=798570279


The new esp does not create a new worldspace it still overrides and tries to replace the default Tamriel worldspace.

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