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Adding TES soundtracks guide


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after playing many many many hours Skyrim its well known that hearing the same soundtracks over and over is kinda boring yet they are all very nice to not have them but not to hear them so often..if they were more tracks ...


Is it possible for someone to make a guide how to add (not replace) soundtracks from (purchased ofc) the previous two TES games ? (Oblivion,Morrowind)


I think (for the sake of copyrights) if you own these two previous games wouldn't be illegal to enjoy some of their -nostalgic- music when playing Skyrim but a "how to add" guide is needed.I assume that an esp file will do the job.



I think I am right about all these,If not I will understand if this seems for an illegal request.

But,I have Oblivion installed,maybe possible(and legal) just for an esp request that directs Skyrim to "look" and load Oblivion's music also?


For the record:


Jeremy Soule is a amazing composer and I respect very very much all his work.

If with this request I "pass" any copyrights/legal borders then please lock and delete this request.


Fixed.There is a mod now that simply lets you add tracks.on SkyrimNexus ofc...


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Edited by spanian77
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