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Skyrim - A game for tourists?


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In that case, I'd like to see Morrowind's alternative to armor crafting or weapon tempering. I'd like to know Morrowind's alternative to sprinting. As I recall, if you couldn't outrun something in Morrowind at a basic running pace you were unable to speed up further without the aid of a spell, scroll, or enchanted item.


In fact, Morrowind didn't allow sneak rolling, interactive lock picking, dual wield, or magic+weapon combinations. In turn, Skyrim no longer offers attributes, spellmaking, or armor damage. In short, while each Elder Scrolls game has lost and gained features from the last, they have remained stable in terms of complexity since Morrowind.

Your right, Oblivion had most of that though. Sprinting adds nothing to the game, except for a lame reason to not have overall speed variables. sneak roll, interactive lock picking, magic and weapon combos, were all in OB. So yeah, nothing new added there really. Most of the complexity is gone, even enchanting got watered down. Skyrim is easily the most watered down and linear ES since Arena. It was made to accommodate the dabbler. Todd's own words and the series obvious direction.

Actually, sprinting adds a level of variance in movement rather than picking an att. and then having your running speed altered in that manner, it allows for used direct variation in movement, although agreeing with the fact that it is extremely watered down from most other world titles, that is why my friend, mods have been created.

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That same variance can be achieved in previous games. Heck, you didn't even need a button, just a controller since movement was context sensitive.


But yeah, I upgraded my PC specifically because of all of the pre release bad news from Beth on how this and that would be cut.

Edited by Fortunado3
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Kay then, have fun being comitted to not liking any new ES games. I'm sure that'll work out better for you in the end. Bye.


For my brain, it sure will. Rejection of streamlining and critical and objective thinking isn't that bad, really.


While being the "dumbest" TES, Skyrim is at least much better than Oblivion, which was a total disgrace. You can tell that in art creation, they were actively aiming for the best Morrowind-Solstheim imitation. Too bad it didn't show in mechanics and complexity of the game, or rather lack of thereof.


Since we're talking about "dumbing-down", I'm surprised nobody mentioned quests yet. Skyrim has absolutely the most moronic and terrible quests I've EVER encountered in a game. That's MMO-RPG format of countless heap of identical fetch quests, but at least in World of Warcraft you had more and better writing (which in itself is unforgivable to Bethesda and should be a career ender for them), and at least Blizzard actually shown progress in Cataclysm in actively trying to make the quests less generic, with more scripting and phasing, with more or less success. Bethesda, in contrast, are making their games more dulling and trivial with each release. That way of action is unfortunately the most profitable for them, and seeing as nobody complains, and that mediocre game scores perfect scores everywhere, obliterates all possible hope for Bethesda games that aren't total disgrace in their dullness and idiocy, since even handicapped capuchin monkey plays Skyrim and loves it.


The funniest thing is that Bethesda's rabid fanboys will insist that their games are not dumbed down, but instead they are "realistic" in those matters, and those features were "incremental" anyway, and that marriage is breaking new ground is some way. Usually, those points of view aren't backed by any logical arguments or coherency, but nevertheless Bethesduh has total support of almost every consumer who are doing hundreds of Miscellanous identical quests and love it.


But, well, at least the game is fun in its sandbox coasting, and it's really pretty. And it has foxes. And rabbits. That's obviously a huge improvement over Oblivion, isn't it?

Edited by GeeZee
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Kay then, have fun being comitted to not liking any new ES games. I'm sure that'll work out better for you in the end. Bye.


For my brain, it sure will.


While being the "dumbest" TES, Skyrim is at least much better than Oblivion, which was a total disgrace. You can tell that in art creation, they were actively aiming for the best Morrowind-Solstheim imitation. Too bad it didn't show in mechanics and complexity of the game, or rather lack of thereof.


Since we're talking about "dumbing-down", I'm surprised nobody mentioned quests yet. Skyrim has absolutely the most moronic and terrible quests I've EVER encountered in a game. That's MMO-RPG format of countless heap of identical fetch quests, but at least in World of Warcraft you had more and better writing (which in itself is unforgivable to Bethesda and should be a career ender for them), and at least Blizzard actually shown progress in Cataclysm in actively trying to make the quests less generic, with more scripting and phasing, with more or less success. Bethesda, in contrast, are making their games more dulling and trivial with each release. That way of action is unfortunately the most profitable for them, and seeing as nobody complains, and that mediocre game scores perfect scores everywhere, obliterates all possible hope for Bethesda games that aren't total disgrace in their dullness and idiocy, since even handicapped capuchin monkey plays Skyrim and loves it.


The funniest thing is that Bethesda's rabid fanboys will insist that their games are not dumbed down, but instead they are "realistic" in those matters, and those features were "incremental" anyway, and that marriage is breaking new ground is some way. Usually, those points of view aren't backed by any logical arguments or coherency, but nevertheless Bethesduh has total support of almost every consumer who are doing hundreds of Miscellanous identical quests and love it.


But, well, at least the game is fun in its sandbox coasting, and it's really pretty. And it has foxes. And rabbits. That's obviously a huge improvement over Oblivion, isn't it?

Another aspect that has been getting more linear is the in game book writings. When you read a lot of the books that were written in Daggerfall and Morrowind, compared to the Skyrim exclusive books, you can see that the older ones were more mature, better written, and used more expensive literary devices on the whole.

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Another aspect that has been getting more linear is the in game book writings. When you read a lot of the books that were written in Daggerfall and Morrowind, compared to the Skyrim exclusive books, you can see that the older ones were more mature, better written, and used more expensive literary devices on the whole.


But Bethesda doesn't have "unlimited number of monkeys with type-writers" and it's "not a fight they want to fight", so all of the good writers are obviously gone, and you're left with moronic writing like blowing up Megaton for the lulz and

Those who become Emperor and light the Dragonfires are surely Dragonborn - the proof is in the wearing of the Amulet and the lighting of the Fires
from The Book of the Dragonborn.
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It may be sort of obvious, but Markarth and solitude are pretty solid destinations for a tourist :D For Markarth at least it's so long as you avoid the slum parts of town and look at the grand archetecture... but isn't that how so much tourism is anyways? I could imagine hordes of tourists with their cameras and kids, flocking to these places as destinations in themselves.


Haters b hatin, and thread hijackers be hijackin. *sigh*. I sometimes wish there was a downrate in here so regular forum goers could agree certain posts have no place in a thread. Probably a bad idea all around for some reason though I guess.

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Haters b hatin, and thread hijackers be hijackin. *sigh*. I sometimes wish there was a downrate in here so regular forum goers could agree certain posts have no place in a thread. Probably a bad idea all around for some reason though I guess.

Sorry, you lost all credibility after using the term 'hater'. Funny that even the TC said he didnt care if it went off topic.


We sort of named most of the prolific tourist attractions in Skyrim already though. Nobody has named any Daedric shrines yet though, I like Mehrunes shrine the most, overlooking the mountain side.

Edited by Fortunado3
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